December 3, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Do you have teens that are crazy for The Hunger Games and Monopoly? Why not put together this HG Monopoly game as a Teen program in a Box? This was a pretty easy program to plan, and although the prep is intensive (thank goodness for our teen volunteers), it is easy to package and send […]
November 25, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
There was this other big pop culture moment thing that happened this past weekend (yes, something besides Doctor Who), the Catching Fire movie was released and it apparently had the biggest November opening of any movie. I took the Tween to see it and am going to talk about it after the jump. There will […]
November 28, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Without a doubt, Dystopian is a hot genre right now. I have read a ton – I have bought a ton – and my teens are definitely asking for them. But after a while, they are all starting to blend together. Recently I began reading The Forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse (awesome cover), and I […]
April 11, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
As part of our Why YA? series, guest blogger Sara Ansted shares how the Hunger Games reached into her chest, pulled out her heart and changed the way she views the world we live in. Sara actually has the honor of being our first Why YA? post but don’t worry, you can write about a […]
March 24, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
A little over 10 years ago planes crashed into the World Trade Center changing the landscape of the world we live in. There was a before and there is an after. In the after, we live with the constant drum beats of war. In the after, we live with the encroaching footsteps that trample our civil […]
March 23, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Last night was the midnight premiere for The Hunger Games movie, which I was not able to attend (insert frowny face here). But it was also the night for #figlitchat hosted by Figment and the topic was oh so appropriately The Hunger Games books. Fans of the series joined together to discuss the works and […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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