September 3, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Earlier this year, Merit Press launched. It is a new YA imprint started by New York Times best selling author Jacquelyn Mitchard. Their focus is on “riveting and relevant real world novels for young adults” (via their Facebook page). Today we had a guest blog post from author Julie Anne Lindsey, a Merit Press author. […]
January 4, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
“Who cares what they’re doing as long as they’re at the other end of the mall?” Ariel seemed unperturbed. “We’re just in here for the night. What do we need with all that stuff, anyway?”“Don’t you get it?” Derek answered. “We don’t know what’s happening out there with the storm. we could be snowed in here for […]
Heavy Medal
by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
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