January 28, 2015 by Heather Booth
Our series continues with a brief look at the teen brain. Why? Well, first of all, it’s just really fascinating stuff. But those of us who serve teens need to understand where our patrons are if we are to structure environments, programs, and services that are appropriate to their developmental phase. Additionally, gaining a greater […]
March 28, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Check out the Oct 2011 edition for more Occasionally I will read a review of a book and they will say things like they hated the book because the main character, a teenager, “made stupid decisions”, was “stupid”, was “whiny”, was “selfish”, or was “impulsive”. When I read these reviews I can’t help but think, […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
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