May 4, 2022 by Cindy Shutts
Teen librarian Cindy Shutts shares the basic theme and organization of her library's summer reading challenge for this year
August 6, 2018 by Karen Jensen, MLS
It’s almost here, the end of summer. Which means for a lot of us, summer reading is wrapping up. Today librarian Lisa Krok is joining us to talk about recharging your batteries. We all know that summer reading brings with it a flurry of activity, endless prep and cleanup, and most importantly, happy kids who […]
April 14, 2016 by Heather Booth
My summer newsletter items are due in a matter of days, and I’m already exhausted. Anyone else? This year should be easier for me. We finally have a part time position tasked with serving tweens, so the pressure to plan for grades 5-12 all together has been lifted and I can just focus on teenaged teens… […]
July 15, 2015 by Karen Jensen, MLS
How do you ask teens to keep track of their reading during your summer reading program? That is one of the ongoing questions we seem to be asking ourselves each year as we approach summer reading. My 21st teen summer reading program has just come to an end. I emptied out containers of reading slips […]
June 14, 2015 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I have been having heretical thoughts. Again. They began like this. The school kept sending notice after notice about summer camps that you could send your kid to. Science camp. Drama camp. Sports camp. And of course there is also church camp. We signed up for exactly none of them because we opted instead to […]
July 13, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I dislike participating in the SRP program with my own kids. I know, it sounds horrible. I cajole and prod during the school year and do my best to keep up with the paperwork, and by summer, my energy for the tedious tracking is gone. And my daughter’s energy for sustained, monitored engagement is as well. […]
May 13, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
This year’s collaborative summer reading theme, Fizz Book Read or Spark A Reaction, has a science theme to it. Today, I’m sharing a couple of fun resources that you may want to use in your programming or share with your tweens and teens. Actually, in this case these resources are mostly Tween friendly except for […]
August 11, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I’m going on a real vacation this summer, for the first time in a while. We’re not tacking a few extra days at the end of a conference or family event. This is the real deal: sand, sun, lighthouses, and wild ponies (really) with no other obligations. And like any good reader’s adviser, choosing my […]
May 28, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
If you are not in youth services, you may be shocked – shocked I tell ya! – to learn that summer is the busiest part of a youth or teen services librarian’s life. Summer is not when we take vacation and hang out with our kids. No, we spend the first part of the year […]
March 21, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I am a huge believer of keeping my patrons involved in our library. If they’re invested in the library and the community, they have a reason to come back, and feel like they belong. I’ve always felt that way, no matter what library I’ve worked in- large branch or small. Libraries are such a huge […]
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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