August 23, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Earlier this week I reviewed 3:59 by Gretchen McNeil, a book that has a main character, a girl, that is basically a physics wiz. A lot of times, female main characters are into fashion or music and even sometimes sports. But a lot of times, if our main characters are into academics they are also […]
February 15, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Strong female protagonists: we love them, we admire them, and we want more of them! Give us more Buffys and Xenas, more Katsas and Katnisses, more Trises and Tallys, and more like our beloved Keladrys of Mindelan. We want our girls to be active, fighting for their lives and the lives of their friends, to […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Heavy Medal
by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
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