September 28, 2020 by Karen Jensen, MLS
What does it mean when teens talk about their aesthetic? Learning about the ways that teens express themselves online today.
August 6, 2017 by Karen Jensen, MLS
As a librarian, I spend a lot of time talking about teens and access. Access to books. Access to information. I’m all about access. And then a new discussion of access came up and I had a decidedly different message for my teens. The Scene: Three of my teens are sitting in the Teen MakerSpace […]
April 28, 2015 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Technology is a HUGE part of what we do everyday. Whether we are helping our teens use technology, using technology to connect with our teens, or trying to put together teen programs – there is no escaping it, and no escaping how often it changes. Since we write about it, I thought we would make […]
January 21, 2015 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Every month Early Word hosts a Twitter chat for YA librarians and readers to gather together and discuss upcoming titles. You can follow the hashtag #ewyagc to see yesterday’s discussion. Or you can check out the handy Storified version of the conversation. What is Early Word? It’s an online tool for collection development and reader’s […]
August 25, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
If you spend any time with Tweens, you know that they are obsessed – OBSESSED – with YouTube. And Vine and Instagram. But seriously, YouTube. When The Tween’s friends come over their favorite thing to do is sit around and watch YouTube videos. YouTube – and social media in general – is so popular that […]
July 18, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Two things happened this week and I really want to talk about them. Earlier this week, the news broke out that Joanie Faircloth had retracted her statement that Conor Oberst had raped her. I wasn’t really familiar with this story until news broke out about the retraction, but I want to take a moment to […]
April 8, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Earlier today author Mindy McGinnis (Not a Drop to Drink, In a Handful of Dust) and I presented at TLA on the ways that you can use social media to get teens connected with authors and invested in a rich, rewarding, and affirming reading community. You can read the initial post here. And here is […]
January 20, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Tumblr is an awesome place to hang out. It’s visual, fun, and easy to use. And believe it or not, it is a great place to find DIY outlines. Just last week author Tahereh Mafi shared a tutorial on how to make these glorious Shatter Me inspired shoes. I myself have shared several DIY tutorial […]
October 16, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
New technology allows us to invent new words. Here are some of mine for Twitter. Twitterhunt: verb and noun; when you find yourself at the end of a rant and you have to hunt through someone’s timeline to find the beginning so you understand just what they are ranting about. Example: When I stumble upon […]
September 19, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Don’t wait for the press to come to you – go to the press! As hyperlocal news gains a foothold in more and more communities and grows in popularity, you will undoubtedly be called upon to offer a few quotes to local — or not so local — media in your position as a teen […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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