September 12, 2021 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Teen Librarian Karen Jensen talks about the upcoming book Allies and helping teens to become better allies for the social justice they want to see
August 13, 2018 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Today’s teens are very politically active, from the March for Our Lives to Pride and everything in between, teens are finding ways to be active, be engaged and be heard, even before they can vote. The Teen has participated in 3 political marches in the last two years, making her own signs for each. I […]
December 1, 2016 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Since November 9th, 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center has been keeping track of the tremendous increase in hate crimes in the United States. This news, combined with increasing threats to education, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, attacks on healthcare and more, has left the librarians at TLT worrying about the teens that […]
September 11, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
“And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.” – author Libba Bray, quoted on page 161 (always quote Libba Bray, always.) Teenagers often get a bad rap. They’re loud, they’re obnoxious, their selfish, they’re lazy – that’s what you’ll hear a lot in the press. And from adults: […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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