January 11, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I recently watched a fascinating discussion about Sherlock Holmes on PBS called How Sherlock Changed the World. One of the interesting revelations the special maintains is that as the original Sherlock stories were being written they were in fact SCIENCE FICTION in that Doyle posited doing things with science to investigate and solve crimes that […]
January 11, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
My library is abuzz with all things Sherlock Holmes, but it has nothing (well, almost nothing) to do with the premiere of the third season of Sherlock. We just launched our first independent community reading event, Westmont Reads, and The Hound of the Baskervilles is our chosen book. And while it might be too soon […]
January 10, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I’ll be honest with you all – I am an equal opportunity appreciator. Not only do I love both the BBC’s Sherlock AND CBS’s Elementary, I also adore the movie versions with Robert Downey, Jr. In fact, if you asked me to pick a favorite of the three, I would look you squarely in the […]
January 10, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I’m relatively new to the various Sherlock fandoms, having first watched series 1 – 3 of the BBC’s Sherlock around this time last year, and all of Elementary this fall. What I lack in history with these shows I like to think I make up in passion, haha! From what I’ve garnered from browsing Tumblr […]
January 8, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
http://gravity3652.tumblr.com/ It was early January, and I started to watch Sherlock on Netflix to get me through my elliptical routine. I enjoyed it… but something intervened. (That something was a big blue box called the TARDIS. Six months and seven series later, I was more than an official Whovian. I was a fanatic fan.) Still… […]
January 7, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
With the current resurgence of interest in the Sherlock Holmes cannon, there has been increased interest in novels about the famous detective. But what to do for your younger teens and tweens who aren’t quite ready for Arthur Conan Doyle? Fortunately, there are a myriad of options for younger readers. The Graphic Novel Adventures of […]
November 25, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
In planning our library calendar for 2014, Christie and I noticed that January 6th is typically celebrated as the birthday of Sherlock Holmes. I have always been a Sherlock fan, and adore the series on the BBC. Series 3 of Sherlock is set to debut on January 19th. During the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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