September 12, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
What’s scarier than vampires, zombies, and werewolves combined? Dragons, baby. These fiery serpents have seared their way into fiction for years and they’re here to stay. Everyone needs a little fire-breathing, knight-eating goodness in their reading piles this Fall, so why not take a gander at these scorching tales: 1) Seraphina by Rachel Hartman- Seraphina […]
July 11, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Dragons rule the land of fantasy, and Seraphina by Rachel Hartman creates a unique fantasy world where dragons can take on human form, though not necessarily human emotion, and try to blend in. For 40 years the land has been ruled by a shaky peace treaty between humans and dragons, but not everyone supports the […]
Good Comics for Kids
by Lori Henderson
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