May 21, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Today, we are excited to give you a sneak peek at the second title being released by Tom Ryan! TAG ALONG (Orca Book Publishers) is Tom Ryan’s second novel. His debut, WAY TO GO (Orca Book Publishers), was published in 2012 and was chosen for the ALA’s Rainbow List of notable 2012 titles for and […]
April 16, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Who are reluctant readers? Reluctant readers are people who. . . Can Read, But Don’t (Aliteracy)A reluctant reader may have good reading skills, but chooses not to read. They will often say that they just don’t like to read. This is also called aliteracy; being able to read but uninterested in doing so. When we talk […]
April 15, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Spring 2013 Hi/Lo Titles – New from Orca Book! As part of our Reluctant Reader week, we are so excited to be pairing with Orca Book for a great giveaway. You can enter to win a mini-collection of 2013 titles, chosen from these new titles below. Please visit the Orca Book webpage for a ton […]
April 15, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Reluctant readers are those who, for whatever reason, do not like to read. Reluctant readers are typically students who are disengaged, struggling readers, many of which are not realizing success in any aspect of their school career. Educators encounter struggling readers in the classroom every day. These students need to be engaged in reading and […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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