August 3, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
One of my earliest and most terrifying encounters working with teens in the library came early on in my career, before I had taken a single class to help me understand the ins and outs of just what it was I was signing up for. A teen boy came in to the library one day, […]
January 24, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
This past October, sixteen freshmen and sophomores got together in their school library, after school, with the express goal of finding the best teen book of the year over the four months that would follow. It’s a big job, but they had plenty of help on hand: five librarians, four public and one school, that […]
January 20, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
If you know anything by now, you know I don’t tend to run in normal circles, no matter what I look like. So it stands to reason that I don’t do conferences as a normal, either. Maybe it’s the anxiety, maybe it’s my brain, who knows, but I just don’t seem to fit a typical […]
December 14, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
On Tuesday I talked about why we as teen librarians need each other. If you didn’t read that post, but are interested in this topic, I suggest you go back and read it now to place this post in context. Now let’s talk about how to make these connections happen. There are usually a […]
October 25, 2011 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I was very honored to have an article appear regarding asset building in the October 2011 edition of VOYA (page 354), the Voice of Youth Advocates. My article was entitled Mpact: An Asset Builder’s Coalition and if you are a regular reader here at TLT you know that I am a big advocate for using the […]
August 15, 2011 by Karen Jensen, MLS
What does every librarian love? A captive audience! You want to get into your schools, into the classrooms, and develop relationships with your teachers. One of the best ways to do this is to develop a booktalking program. In its most basic description, a booktalk is a short introduction – think commercial or movie trailer […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Heavy Medal
by Emily Mroczek-Bayci
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