December 16, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
It’s time to kick off our 3rd annual 12 Blogs of Christmas. Here we share with you some of our favorite blogs to discuss MG and YA lit, be inspired by new craft ideas, or just learn more about teen issues and culture. di·ver·si·ty diˈvərsitē,dī-/ noun noun: diversity 1. The state of being diverse; variety […]
October 30, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I am obsessed with Tumblr. Blame Robin. Anyhow, as I see it, Tumblr (outside of Twitter, of course) is so easy to use and I love, love, love the way it handles graphics (which is where its bread and butter is). So now I am all Tumblr obsessed. Here are 5 Tumblrs to follow if […]
September 24, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
The guard was still blocking the exit when Reese and David emerged from the back office and headed for the door. She was so caught up in thinking over what had just happened and how she and David were going to manage to lie to both the Imria and CASS that she barely noticed that […]
July 8, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
We Came I had a blast at ALA Annual in Chicago. Buses and transportation got a little weird, but I loved the energy with the Blackhawks celebration and the Pride Celebration and everything else going on. So much fun! And add into the mix all the authors and librarians and the craziness that we have […]
March 19, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
So Karen was emailing me this morning about Malinda Lo (oh, I love her and her tweets and blogs and books) and her blog about David Levithan’s new cover. If you haven’t seen it yet, click here. And Karen’s all, I didn’t know there was a male privilege effect in GLBTQ books. And I’m like […]
March 18, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I just stumbled across this excellent post from Malinda Lo and wanted to make sure everyone reads it. The most interesting part to me was in the comments where she discusses how few GLBTQ titles are actually being published. Read the post here: http://www.malindalo.com/2013/03/on-two-boys-kissing/ Coming in the fall What do you think of the cover […]
July 12, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Today’s Why YA? post is brought to you by TLT contributor Christie Gibrich, MLS Why YA? Because the Shoe Fits Meeting people for the first (or second time), and it is usually pretty predictable. Right after they find out my profession, the second question I’m always asked is, What do you read? (Comes right after […]
June 4, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
“She couldn’t remember anything from the time between the accident and the day she woke up. It was all one giant blank spot, and when she tried to think about it, pain pierced her head.” – from the back cover of Adaptation. As Reese and David sit with their teacher in an airport waiting to […]
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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