October 23, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I am a huge reader, and when I need a break from things, I can be found in a book. I don’t limit myself to teen books (much, I think, to Karen’s consternation) and can be found reading a lot of paranormal and urban fantasy. What I have found interesting is that a lot of […]
October 17, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
The memory of fire trucks that existed only in the future seemed to haze over my sight as I looked across the busy road to the three-story apartment complex. Having watched-no, lived- Tammy and Johnny dying in a fire had more than shaken me. It had rocked me to my core. I’d thought that I’d […]
November 10, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
So the other day I talked about things that I just couldn’t go back to, even if I wanted to (if you missed it, go here). Today, I thought that I’d share things that give me comfort. It’s a rocky place out there, and while I consider myself a stable person, there are things that can […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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