September 28, 2020 by Karen Jensen, MLS
What does it mean when teens talk about their aesthetic? Learning about the ways that teens express themselves online today.
October 22, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
We have come to the point in my year when I have fallen behind in reading the books in my TBR pile. This seems to be a yearly event, maybe I should celebrate with balloons and cake. Please tell me I’m not the only one behind on my reading . . . Anyhow, I thought […]
February 9, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I really like Amy Poehler. I like the things that she stands for, and I adore Smart Girls at the Party so much that I’ve used it in programming and recommended it to teachers, parents, and teens. They have DIY projects and action campaigns, they highlight women in fields like science and computers, they have blogs […]
September 17, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
My novel Rogueportrays a young teenager on the autism spectrum who has come to rely almost exclusively on “Mr. Internet” to learn about the world, especially after she gets suspended from school for attacking a bully. Through Mr. Internet, Kiara has diagnosed herself with Asperger’s syndrome, learned how to fix her brother’s bicycle, and found […]
February 28, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I have decided to do something crazy and it’s all because of the dedicated fans who have emailed and facebooked and twittered at me for the last two years asking when the next Sucks to Be Me book will be available (some on a weekly basis!). I’m finally continuing the award-winning series with the direct […]
November 19, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I’d thought he was angry, and he was, a bit, but when I looked into those eyes, I saw that what I had mistaken for anger was really terror. He was even more scared that I was. Scared that without the net, his job was gone. Scared that without the net, Mum couldn’t sign on every […]
March 9, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
If you are a school or public library, you can’t ignore the fact that teens are online. A lot. And honestly, you need to create a situation for yourself where you have a dynamic and continually updated web presence committed to teens. Fear not, I found a really great example at Girls in the Stacks. […]
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