September 26, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
1984. Fahrenheit 451. Brave New World. These are all great, classic reads that highlight the dangers of censorship. Two of them happen to be among my favorite books of all time. Brave New World is not. But sometimes, authors can slip in powerful statements against censorship in the most surprising of places. Exhibit A: The […]
September 24, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
It’s Banned Books Week! The most magical week in a librarian’s year! Every day, librarians celebrate the free and open access to information, but during this week, we really flaunt it. “Free and open access” includes being able to read whatever you wish, and that might mean the best-selling book series in history, a series […]
September 23, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
September 22 – 28 is Banned Books Week, a week which serves to remind us that there are those who would like to ban books. The books vary, as do the reasons. But the bottom line should always be this: each person gets to decide for themselves what to read. Information is power. Story is […]
September 22, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
A funny thing happened on Twitter a couple of weeks ago. In preparation for Banned Books Week I came up with what I thought was a great idea: We would put challenged books on trial and I tweeted out asking everyone if there were certain books they wanted to write a defense for as guest […]
Good Comics for Kids
by Renee Scott
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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