November 2, 2015 by Robin Willis
I was so pleased to find that The Copper Gauntlet more than lived up to the promise of the first book in the Magisterium series, The Iron Trial. Initially as I read The Iron Trial I thought it was a good fantasy that my students would enjoy, but maybe lacking in the depth I was […]
January 27, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
In case you missed it, today was the day that the American Library Association announced its 2014 Youth Media Awards. Also known as ‘Youth Librarian Christmas,” among other titles. It’s so exciting! I want to start off by saying that the dedicated committee members who basically sacrifice a year or more of their lives to […]
August 22, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Tana wakes in a bathtub after a night of partying only to realize that everyone else in the house has been slaughtered by vampires. Well, everyone except her former boyfriend, Aidan*, who has been bitten and saved for a snack. In the process of saving him (oh, and the ancient vampire, Gavriel, chained up with […]
July 10, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
One of the best things I like about conferences is getting ahold of ARCs. Yes, you can get eARCS but sometimes I just like paper. I may be techie but sometimes I’m old-fashioned. And I flew Southwest this past conference, so instead of the huge post office line, I checked ALL of my ARCs. Love […]
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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