May 13, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
The Basics Title: Grasshopper Jungle Complete time start to finish: 8 weeks Where I got my copy: Public library Why it drew my interest: Initially, I was intrigued by Karen’s extremely visceral reaction to the book (read more here.) Then, I started to hear the buzz – and see the stars. Although it’s clearly not […]
April 15, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I’m often struck by how beautifully written friendships are in YA. In fact, they are often much more important and detailed than any other personal relationships – dating or family. I suppose it makes sense, since the teen years are a time when we practice separating from our family and are only just learning how […]
November 4, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Austin is a historian. That is what he does, he writes the truth. All of it. The glorious, messy – and in Austin’s case, incredibly horny – truth of life in Ealing, Iowa. And the end of the world. Because that is what happens. Six foot preying mantis like bugs – Unstoppable Soldiers – come […]
Good Comics for Kids
by Renee Scott
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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