February 5, 2015 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Author Cecil Castelluci (Tin Star) has made a table top RPG for Tin Star, kind of like D&D, where you play aliens who dock on the space station and interact with the characters from the book on a mini adventure. You don’t have to have read the book to play the game, or play the […]
July 10, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Earlier this year I put together all of my SRC programming and publicity at the same time we submitted an order for new gaming equipment. One of those programs was a Minecraft day. Except, sometimes orders get held up in processes and bureaucracies, which means that my new gaming equipment never actually got ordered. Which […]
January 29, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
1. MUSLIMS IN YOUNG ADULT LITERATURE There is a great list of titles that depict Muslims in Young Adult Literature. Since September 11th, the Muslim population has been the target of a tremendous amount of fear, bias and outright racial targeting. This is a good and varied list that examines the Muslim life in a […]
November 27, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I’ve recently lost myself in playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and it got me thinking about teen books about roleplaying games (video, computer, and tabletop), and the possible dangers/adventures that might come with an excessive amount of gaming. I’m still waiting to be sucked into the world of the Elder Scrolls, but so far, […]
August 26, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Recently, I was asked about gaming in libraries. Specifically online gaming, but much of this same information can be applied to video gaming in libraries as well. Ironically, CNN recently ran an article RE video gaming in libraries, which came across as largely pro. In our 21st century world, I think that being pro gaming […]
March 28, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
“All right,” Ada says, “I want you to listen very carefully.” She moves around the room with the confidence of an ER Doctor, opening panels on the walls, setting dials. The thakerak hums and purrs. “Whoa!” Gamary yells as a sword jabs through the door. “Open up!” a voice orders. The sword jerks up and down but, […]
February 1, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
When I couldn’t get that jaunty little tune out of my head and everyone around me, from my preschooler to my mom were playing Angry Birds, I knew it was a program whose time had come. Pinterest, my go-to spot for browsing and brainstorming, had led me to a few different ways of incorporating Angry Birds […]
August 5, 2011 by Karen Jensen, MLS
There is a tweener in my house collecting Smurfs. I wonder what happened to all of mine, I had quite the collection of little blue men. It turns out, all things old are new again. Transformers. Thundercats. Smurfs. Strawberry Shortcake. My Little Pony. And the other day, there were fluorescent yellow and orange and green […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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