November 8, 2021 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Author Kip Wilson talks about the importance of getting the facts right in historical fiction.
September 12, 2021 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Teen Librarian Karen Jensen talks about the upcoming book Allies and helping teens to become better allies for the social justice they want to see
July 21, 2021 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Want to get more nonfiction into the hands of your tweens and teens? Here are 5 nonfiction series that focus on science and history
March 24, 2021 by Karen Jensen, MLS
A brief exploration of the what, who and why of middle grade and teen nonfiction
November 9, 2020 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Learn about the 2021 TLT project #FactsMatter, a yearlong emphasis on nonfiction for youth and information literacy
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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