July 31, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
For the next #SVYALit Project Google Hangout On Air, we’re going to look at what happens when the world falls apart: post apocalyptic and dystopian fiction. It’s the End of the World as We Know It, what we can learn about current issues surrounding sexual violence through dystopian/post apocalyptic fiction Date:September 24th (Noon Eastern) Confirmed: […]
April 7, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
An Intro from Karen: So, here’s a deep dark secret: Sometimes, when I really love a book and want to talk about it, I contact the author, mostly to avoid spoilers for those who haven’t read it yet (you’re welcome). I first contacted author Elizabeth Fama when I read Monstrous Beauty and wrote my post […]
April 1, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Last year, I wrote a very controversial post regarding something that the actor Matt Smith said about the actress Jennifer Lawrence at Comic Con. My basic premise was that I felt that his actions seemed similar to me to street harassment. In some ways, today, I would say they were possibly more like sexual harassment […]
February 13, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
This book. Oh my goodness, people – this book! Here’s the basic premise: During the flu epidemic of 1918 the government decided that some people would get to be awake and operate during the day (Rays) and others during the night (Smudges). This decreased the amount of contact people had with one another and helped […]
December 31, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Fire and Flood by Victoria Scott Victoria Scott is awesomesauce. The real deal. She totally floored me with her turn around in The Collector, which I thought I was going to hate because at first it seems shallow and superficial and bad female messaging, but then she pulled a 180 with her sexy, snarky demon […]
December 8, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Please note: this post is on a sensitive subject and can have triggering discussions for some. “What have we here?” a cocky teenage voice said. A group of boys ducked under the short doorframe into the room. A particularly tall one stared through the open window with his mouth gaping, as if she were […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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