May 21, 2015 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Duct tape crafts have been a very popular part of my MakerSpace. Sometimes I’ll have some high tech making planned and my tweens and teens will walk in and say nope, we want a break from that can you please bust out the duct tape. There’s just something satisfying it seems sometimes about sitting around […]
June 2, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
We’ve all done the Duct Tape thing. Stone simple and super fun, right? Yeah. But… We’ve all wrestled with it when it doubles back and sticks on itself. We’ve all despaired when a kid wraps a whole five dollar roll around his pant leg because he’s going to be the Tin Man, then realizes that […]
April 24, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I own no less than 20 rolls of Duck/Duct Tape. Okay, technically I bought them for the Tween. But you know, I get to play with them too! Plus, I have regular Duct Tape crafting days at the library. Suffice it to say at this point, I am an expert on Duct Tape crafts. In […]
December 11, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
This is how some program ideas come to me: I am flipping through a new book that comes into our library and it sparks some inspiration. It’s a win/win: patrons get cool books and I get great program ideas. I like the idea of food on a stick. There are some glorious recipes in here: […]
November 5, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Earlier this year, I put together for a Pop-Up/Mobile Makerspace. Two of them actually. One is LEGO based and one is Duct/Duck Tape based. It had to be mobile because we have a small physical space and we needed to be able to pull it out and put it away so it wasn’t hogging up the […]
November 5, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
My MakerSpace Journey at The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County Small Tech, Big Impact: Designing My Maker Space at The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County (OH) (School Library Journal article, February 2016) 1 Year Later, What I’ve Learned The Very Beginning Previous library locations My Original Mobile Makerspace […]
September 10, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
All you need to create some original art is really a blank canvas and some Mod Podge. Well, and a few things to put on your canvas. But the beauty is, you can take all that fantastic art you see in the store for a high dollar amount and create your own less expensive versions. […]
August 7, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Doctor Who airs on and is owned by the BBC This month, my tween edges a little closer to teendom. And later this year, Doctor Who is turning 50! On November 23rd they will air the Doctor Who 50 year anniversary special at the same time, everywhere. So we are doing double duty here, hosting […]
March 6, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
My teens are obsessed with duct tape (or duck tape- depending on which ones you talk to). Any time we can get the money to have a duct tape craft, I have more teens than I can handle… From the original gray to animal prints, skulls and neon, duct tape has expanded as it’s popularity […]
December 28, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Christmas is over so I won’t bore you with my witty intro that makes the song get stuck in your brain (mmmm . . . brains!) No, I’ll just dive right into it. These are my favorite things.Collection Development Tools: Netgalley/Edelweiss I work at a smaller library now, and run a blog, so I really […]
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