December 4, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Two weeks ago, when I was doing my bi-monthly booktalks for a sixth grade class, I was booktalking Because they Marched by Russell Freedman. This book focuses on the fact that it was nearly impossible to register to vote if you were black before the Voters Rights Act. One of the 6th graders asked me, […]
September 30, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
by Amanda MacGregor Jefferson High School, Davisburg, Virginia. 1959. In Robin Talley’s Lies We Tell Ourselves, it’s been two years since the Supreme Court said all schools must integrate. The people in Davisburg have done everything they can to resist this order, including entirely shutting down their schools for months. High school senior Sarah Dunbar […]
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
Good Comics for Kids
by Brigid Alverson
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