April 2, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Get Happy by Mary Amato Publisher’s Description: In this poignant, realistic, contemporary YA by a state master list star, perfect for fans of Sarah Dessen and Gayle Forman, a young songwriter builds a substitute family with her friends in place of the broken family she grew up with. A hip high school girl who loves […]
July 17, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
At the end of BZRK, our the entire BZRK cell was left in ruins after a battle at the nano level with the evil Armstrong Twins, conjoined brothers who see emotion and free will as the downfall of mankind. Their goal is to use nanotechnology to rewire human brains and will stop at nothing to […]
November 29, 2012 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I recently received a special grant from my Friends of the Library grant to update our YA collection. They tacked on an additional $500.00 with the challenge that they wanted me to add more math and science related books in the collection. So the challenge was this: Can you find some YA titles that talk […]
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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