November 27, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I’ve recently lost myself in playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and it got me thinking about teen books about roleplaying games (video, computer, and tabletop), and the possible dangers/adventures that might come with an excessive amount of gaming. I’m still waiting to be sucked into the world of the Elder Scrolls, but so far, […]
October 15, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
This September marked my third year doing a themed book club for 7th & 8th graders at a local K-8. We meet in their school library during their lunch period, and share the books we’ve read recently. This year, as we only have about 25 minutes together, we’ve adjusted our sharing style to title, author […]
September 19, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Burned out on vampire romances? Wish the creatures lurking in the dark were a little more bloodthirsty (or possessing more of a sense of humor)? Me, too! I spent the week rereading Justin Cronin’s The Passage, an epic, sprawling novel of the build-up to and the aftermath of a completely terrifying vampire-virus apocalypse. Cronin’s vamps are deadly and truly […]
August 8, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Though storytelling comes in all forms, I tend to spend the majority of my reading life with fiction told from a 1st or 3rd person point of view, and a “first this happened, and then this, then this…” chronology. Yes, these stories are often wonderful, but I find that sometimes it’s intriguing to mix things […]
July 5, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Summers in public libraries are…chaotic. Loud, busy, and for librarians, it’s often non-stop action. And while this is very fun (I get to share so many awesome books with people looking for something to read over the summer), it can be exhausting at times. It’s those times that make me want to dive into a book, looking […]
May 3, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
This quote has been circling the internet for a while, and as a life-long nerd and geek, I’ve worked to live up to the sentiment. This is not always easy, and it was especially difficult for me during high school, as I was torn between wanting to both appear “cool” AND to embrace that which […]
March 2, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
March is a big month for picture books, as many elementary schools celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday with Cat in the Hat costumes, green food-coloring and Read Across America. Why not remind your teens of the fun of picture books by recommending some they might have missed? This is the perfect time to display those […]
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
100 Scope Notes
by Travis Jonker
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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