November 20, 2017 by Karen Jensen, MLS
2017 has seen a lot of challenges for women, whether it be in regards to legislation that harms them or the necessary but difficult discussion happening in the last few weeks regarding the prevalence of sexual assault in the lives of women. As a public librarian and the mother to teen girls, and as a […]
December 4, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Two weeks ago, when I was doing my bi-monthly booktalks for a sixth grade class, I was booktalking Because they Marched by Russell Freedman. This book focuses on the fact that it was nearly impossible to register to vote if you were black before the Voters Rights Act. One of the 6th graders asked me, […]
February 14, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
What do Anne from Anne of Green Gables and George Michael Bluth from Arrested Development have in common? Both characters knew the great significance of a Valentine’s Day candy heart. For the second year in a row, we’re celebrating the significance of this staple candy of Valentine’s Day by pairing the sayings with appropriate books. Don’t know […]
August 8, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Though storytelling comes in all forms, I tend to spend the majority of my reading life with fiction told from a 1st or 3rd person point of view, and a “first this happened, and then this, then this…” chronology. Yes, these stories are often wonderful, but I find that sometimes it’s intriguing to mix things […]
June 16, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
The #bestYAdad list is a present to my husband. That’s right, I’m super cheap – but creative. You see, The Mr. is an excellent father. I pick ’em good I tell ya. But also, I was reading Eleanor and Park, which does make this list, and was so impressed with the dad I though to […]
June 13, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
If you follow me on Twitter (@tlt16), you know that the Tween and I are now audio book obsessed. Even if we are just in the car for a five minute drive she asks me to turn on whatever book we are currently listening to. We have gotten home and sat in the car for […]
May 22, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
If you’re looking for feminist books, you definitely want to check out The Amelia Bloomer Project. Sponsored by the Feminist Task Force of the American Library Association, this committee of librarians creates a recommended bibliography every year of new books that have significant feminist content for youth ages birth through 18. Being a booklist like […]
May 20, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Identity is such a huge part of the teenage years. When most teens are simply trying to figure out who they are, some teens are being yanked out of the comfort of their everyday lives and given new identities. Since today we are talking about The Rules for Disappearing by Ashley Elston, I present you […]
May 2, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I am a huge Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan. Huge. So when I read books, I often find myself thinking, “Fans of Buffy will like this.” Sometimes it is because of the plot: a feisty, chosen heroine who kicks supernatural butt. Sometimes it is because of the writing style and dialogue, snarky, witty and full of […]
February 19, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Today we are all about teen filmmakers, so here is a list of 5 ya titles that feature teens who are stepping behind the camera (and sometimes in front of it) and trying to be their own Andrew Jenks. Check out these 5 titles about Reel Teens. Me, and Earl, and the Dying Girl by […]
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