May 4, 2020 by Karen Jensen, MLS
A brief look at some new YA Lit coming out in May 2020
November 27, 2017 by Karen Jensen, MLS
#ARCParty: A Look at Some January 2018 #YALit Titles// The Teen, The Bestie and I met recently to take a look at some upcoming YA Lit releases. This time we looked specifically at January 2018 releases (yes, it's time to look at 2018 titles already, I know! Where did the year go.) For new readers, […]
October 11, 2017 by Karen Jensen, MLS
October #ARCParty// The Teen and The Bestie take a look at some upcoming and newly released books. And Thing 2 who is now officially a Tween takes a look at some new Middle Grade books because she doesn't want to be left out of the fun anymore. Storify by TeenLibrarianToolbox Wed, Oct 11 2017 14:26:19 […]
July 26, 2017 by Karen Jensen, MLS
July #ARCParty: A Look at Some Late Summer/Fall 2017 YA Lit titles// Today The Teen and The Bestie are taking a look at a few more upcoming titles. They added a lot to their TBR list. July #ARCParty: A Look at Some Late Summer/Fall 2017 YA Lit titles Best friendship tested by long distance relationships […]
May 17, 2017 by Karen Jensen, MLS
May 2017 #ARCParty// The Teen and Bestie were here last night and we looked through our stack of ARCs that release this month. Each teen took turns reading the back descriptions out loud and they divided them up to see who gets to read what. They agreed they would share Songs About a Girl (which […]
February 1, 2017 by Karen Jensen, MLS
The Teen, The Bestie and I gathered together to discuss some January 2017 and upcoming YA releases recently. Here's a brief look at what we looked at and how the teens felt about them. Because we did it on Instagram (we often talk books and Teen MakerSpace on the TeenLibrarianToolbox Instagram page, though fair warning, […]
October 26, 2016 by Karen Jensen, MLS
For those of you new to TLT, here’s how an ARC Party works: The Tween and The Bestie go through each title, reading the back cover info aloud to one another. After examining the covers, they then give each book a yeah or nay, letting me know if they are interested in reading each title. […]
May 5, 2016 by Karen Jensen, MLS
A look at some upcoming May, June and July ARCs of YA Lit TeenLibrarianToolbox@TLT16 Getting ready to start an #aRCParty with The Teen & Bestie to look at some upcoming new releases. Tue, Apr 26 2016 21:44:53 ReplyRetweetFavorite TeenLibrarianToolbox@TLT16 Here’s how it works: they’ll read the back of each book out loud & share […]
April 7, 2016 by Karen Jensen, MLS
March #ARCParty// It's time for another #ARCParty, where The Teen, The Bestie and I share some of the latest ARCs we have received and I get a first hand look at what a couple of teens are thinking. Storify by TeenLibrarianToolbox Mon, Apr 04 2016 13:39:13 Edit March #ARCParty We’re going to look at some […]
February 4, 2016 by Heather Booth
What prompts a teen to pick up one book instead of another? Evy dug through Heather’s big old box-o-books and picked four to take home. What did she pick and why? This TLT Teen Advisory Board member is an avid YouTube fan, so she decided to tell you in a video. Thanks Evy! Books discussed: […]
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
Good Comics for Kids
by Renee Scott
Politics in Practice
by John Chrastka
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