May 30, 2022 by Riley Jensen
Teen Riley Jensen shares some of her favorite mange and anime for teens
December 2, 2020 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Teen contributor Morgan Randall discusses 10 of her favorite anime shows
July 13, 2020 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Teen contributor Riley Jensen shares some anime that are popular with teens
August 7, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I have owned my geekness for a while now. If you take a look at my office, I have Star Trek Spock next to a Dalek and a Firefly keychain. It definitely comes as no surprise to anyone who knows me. However, YouTube is celebrating *EVERYTHING* geeky this week with their GEEK WEEK 2013. I’ve […]
100 Scope Notes
by Travis Jonker
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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