October 30, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
I started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer during my sophomore year of college, a year or so before the show went off the air. The war in Iraq had just started, my family was in the throes of pre-divorce drama, and my long-term boyfriend – now my husband – was living in another city half […]
April 28, 2014 by Karen Jensen, MLS
It’s true, I was one. A slut shamer that is. I judged you based on what you were wearing, calling you a slut in my head. You see, I fell victim to the lie that a girl, a woman, is only worth her sexuality. And it’s an insidious lie. So very deceitful because you and […]
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
Good Comics for Kids
by Brigid Alverson
Heavy Medal
by Steven Engelfried
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