December 12, 2014 by Robin Willis
If you haven’t noticed my intellectual crush on Anne Ursu by now, you haven’t been paying attention. Terrible Trivium is Anne Ursu’s Tumblr account and it is a resource for an amazing amount of thoughtful critique on issues that are close to my heart, including literature for children of all ages, book publishing, and many […]
December 11, 2014 by Robin Willis
Every so often, something so wonderful, so amazing, comes along that we have to include it in a 12 Blogs post, even though it’s not technically a blog. In this case it started on Tumblr (technically a blog platform) and then morphed into a newsletter with an accompanying Twitter account. The brainchild of Margaret Willison […]
December 9, 2014 by Heather Booth
As Karen, Robin, Amanda, and I were deciding which blogs each of us was going to highlight this year, I looked back over the list from years past and realized that we’d not yet talked about Liz Burns’ broadly useful, always thoughtful A Chair, A Fireplace, & A Tea Cozy. Maybe it’s because we figured […]
December 8, 2014 by Heather Booth
Truth be told, I’m not an avid blog reader. Since the demise of Google Reader, I’ve not devoted much time to finding a new tool to help me organize and track my blog reading. The blogs I do read belong to those people who I can count on to get me thinking and give me […]
December 27, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
One thing I definitely need to have on my blogroll are craft blogs. You never know when the perfect craft idea will come along and suddenly – presto magic – you have a complete program idea ready to go. So we are wrapping up the 12 Blogs of Christmas with one of my favorite craft […]
December 26, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
A someone involved in the school system, Robin is very interested in the topic of education. We have a lot of behind the scenes discussions about what is happening in education, and post frequently about how our schools and our world are failing our kids. In fact, just last week Christie went on a tear […]
December 24, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
The last 3 blogs of the 12 Blogs of Christmas – though certainly not the least – are brought to you by Robin. Robin joined us earlier this year to add a school librarian perspective to TLT. Plus, we like her. Blog #10: Terrible Minds Chuck Wendig is the author of numerous adult novels and […]
December 24, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Blog #9: The Daring Librarian One of the blogs I adore, and one of the people that I completely admire and hope to be like one day is The Daring Librarian. AKA Gwyneth Jones, she is one of the most vibrant people online that I follow, and has awesome energy and creativity- and when I […]
December 23, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Blog #8: Women Write About Comics (Seriously, a lot) I adore comics. I mean, seriously love them. I read them, I watch movies made from them, I follow story lines and alternate time lines and research them. Gail Simone and other female comic writers are personal heroes of mine. So it should come as no […]
December 23, 2013 by Karen Jensen, MLS
Blog #7: Justin the Librarian I love reading about all the wonderful, inventive stuff other libraries are doing, and dreaming about what I could do if I had their money. (Dear Santa, please give me an unlimited black American Express and send the bill to some gazillionare who won’t care). One of my favorite librarians […]
100 Scope Notes
by Travis Jonker
A Fuse #8 Production
by Betsy Bird
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