Fast Five Author Interview: Kalyn Josephson

Fast Five is an author interview series. The author is sent 10 questions and is asked to answer five of them. If you are an author interested in participating in the Fast Five Author Interview series, please fill out this form.
Kalyn Josephson is a fantasy author living in California. She loves books, cats, books with cats, and making up other worlds to live in for a while. She is the author of the Ravenfall series, the Storm Crow duology, and This Dark Descent.

TLT: Give us the elevator pitch for your book.
Kalyn: The Ravenfall series is about a family of psychics who run a sentient inn at the crossroads of the human world, and the Otherworld, where they help people solve mysteries! Think Supernatural meets Halloweentown, with book 3 focusing on the magical town of Witchwood, where witches are mysteriously disappearing.
TLT: What inspired your book?
Kalyn: I was obsessed with Scooby-Doo as a kid, and then Supernatural when I was older, and I’ve always wanted to write my own magical mystery series. So when I had the idea for an Addams Family-esque cast of characters, I drew from my love of Irish mythology, sentient buildings, and magical cats to come up with Ravenfall.
TLT: What do you hope readers take away from your book?
Kalyn: As Anna says throughout the series, to “embrace the weird,” whether that means trying something new or accepting something different!
TLT: What are you working on now?
Kalyn: I’m drafting a new middle grade series called Grimlore Manor, that’s like The Inheritance Games meets the Addams Family! In addition, I’m working on my Adult fantasy debut, The Library of Amorlin, which I’ve been pitching as, “What if a female Kaz Brekkar had to infiltrate Howl’s Moving Castle?”
TLT: Do you have any upcoming events that you’d like to tell our readers about?
Kalyn: I’ll be at Emerald City Comic Con on March 7th as a part of the Unlikeable Female Characters panel!

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About Ally Watkins
Ally Watkins is a Youth Services Librarian in Mississippi. She has worked in public libraries for over 8 years and previously served as library consultant for the State Library of Mississippi.
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