Cryptid: Escape Room, by Teen Librarian Cindy Shutts
Cryptids are all the rage right now in some circles. I thought it would be cool to do a cryptid escape room.
Here is what Wikipedia defines cryptids as: “Cryptids are animals that cryptozoologists believe may exist somewhere in the wild, but whose present existence is disputed or unsubstantiated by science. Cryptozoology is a pseudoscience, which primarily looks at anecdotal stories, and other claims rejected by the scientific community.”
The plot of the escape room is: You’ve been trapped in the research room of a cryptid hunter and need to escape before he comes back. Get help from Mothman, Bigfoot, Yeti, the chupacabra, and Nesse.
- Breakout edu Kit
- Random other decor: We printed out posters on canva we found.Map of Mario World
- Morse Code Guide and word in morse code
- My coworker Elaine Waite created a cryptid hunter character, and wrote an in-character notebook of field notes with facts and dates related to the different cryptids used in the escape room.
- Decor
- Map
- Pencils
- Posters we found on canva
Locks and Clues:
Directional Lock: West, North, South, East I will use a map
Elaine hand wrote the names in our to make a checklist to look like creatures the cryptid hunter had caught.
Dark Watchers, Skyland, Dark land, Desert land, Giant land
Four Digit Lock:
Find the Question: I wrote in more .– …. .- – / .. … / – …. . / -.. .- – . / ..-. — .-. / -… .. –. ..-. — — – ..–.. Which translates to what is the date for bigfoot? 1924 change to lock
Three Digit Lock:
308 lizard man of scape ore swamp phone code of where he lives I put the phone number in a notebook I had hidden
Work Lock is match
This was too easy because I used the word that was originally on the lock. The lock fit two well together and it was easy to figure out.
I put a copy of Matched in the room and taped a note Portrety of the Yeti in it. I had a post-it covering the letters ed in Matched in the inside of the cover.
Key lock hides the key in room
Put map wall
Final thoughts: Another escape room, another lock jamming. But, I have found if your lock jams leave it on the table and have a piece of paper next to it and tell them to write the combo on it. It works well. My first session did the room very quickly. I wonder if having extra red herrings would have made it longer. The second group took much longer. Everyone had a great time.
Filed under: Cindy Crushes Programming, Escape Rooms

About Cindy Shutts
Cindy Shutts is the Teen Services Librarian at the White Oak Library District in IL and she talks programming every 1st and 3rd Wednesday. You can follow her on Twitter at @cindysku.
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