Cindy Crushes Programming: Faith Healy is back to talk about her Bottle Cap Turtles

For Earth Day, I like to try to figure out a recycle craft with cute results. We have what seems like a million bottle caps for the longest time so I was trying to figure out a craft for them. I found cute wooden turtle bases and realized I could make an adorable sea turtle with the bottle caps. Plus I know my teens love animal crafts.
- 1 Wooden Turtle Base
- 14 – 20 Bottle Caps per turtle
- Green Paint / Permanent Marker
- Black Permanent Marker
- Hot Glue
- Hot Glue Gun
- Color the Base Green, or another color. I used a Permanent Marker. It worked nicely on the wood and was faster to dry than to paint, but I did offer both options. Feel free to have more colors than green, some teens got creative with their turtles.
- Using a black marker create a scale design. I just did little half circles layered on top of each other.
- You might want to do this ahead of time. Use a black marker to cover the alcohol logos. Paint also works. You can let the logos show as some thought it gave it a cool look.
- I used hot glue to glue the bottle caps to the base. You want to make sure you use low temperature hot glue guns. I accidently used some of our high temperature glue guns and the metal caps absorbed the heat almost causing a few burns.You can experiment with other glue, but we have a lot of hot glue available and it adheres quickly so it was my best option. I lay out two layers of bottle caps placed flat on the turtle base. I then played around with them, placing them slanted with the layers keeping it at that slant getting that turtle shell look. I did have some play around with the bottle caps and doing their own thing too.
- I do recommend having extra embellishments around. I had left over sticker gem stones from a previous craft kit. Those were a big hit making jeweled shells. You can also decorate the bottom. The base I bought had a hole where you can hang the turtle. So some made double sided turtles, some made rainbow bellies.
I am sure you can find a way to make this whole craft recyclable. Like use plastic bottles to make a base, instead of buying a wooden base. This is a fun cute craft, plus turtles are always a hit.
Filed under: Teen Program in a Box, Teen Programming, Teen Programming in a Box

About Cindy Shutts
Cindy Shutts is the Teen Services Librarian at the White Oak Library District in IL and she talks programming every 1st and 3rd Wednesday. You can follow her on Twitter at @cindysku.
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