Young Adult Fiction 101: A starting point for learning more about YA Literature, also known as teen fiction

In the over 10 years that Teen Librarian Toolbox has existed, we’ve written a thing or two about Young Adult literature. Today, I am compiling some of those articles for you to help you get an idea of just what it is we’re talking about when we talk about YA lit, which we often also call Teen Fiction. Here at TLT we have over 70 years combined of over 6 professional librarians who have shared their journey in the YA lit world. These articles are a great starting place when you want to know what it is people mean when they mention YA lit.
It’s really important that you know and understand when we talk about YA literature here at TLT, we are always talking about teens. We are, after all, a blog about librarians serving teens. We know and understand that any can and does read YA lit, and more power to them, but we are a blog dedicated to the service of teens. So we always trying to center the teens we serve.
What, Exactly, Is YA Lit?
How Long Has YA Lit Existed?
Some Other Thoughts About YA Lit
What Does a Year in YA Lit Publishing Look Like?
What’s On the Other Sides of YA Lit? A Brief Look at Middle Grade Fiction and New Adult Fiction, which isn’t really a thing but could be
Some other great resources to check out:
Filed under: Professional Development, YA Lit, YA Literature

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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