Cindy Crushes Programming: My Top Ten Craft Supplies

I was not a crafter before becoming a teen librarian. I had to learn to craft on the job. It was heard to figure out what crafts supplies they must have when doing teen crafts. I had no idea I would learn about so many types of glue. Here are my top ten favorite craft supplies.
Tiles are cheap and all purpose. You can do so many crafts with tiles. I loved spatter art tiles, Mod Podge fandom tiles, Sharpie tiles. Tiles can make any craft cheap and easy.
I have made so many lighted jars in my time as a librarian. They are easy to change and make look cute. These crafts fill up with patrons.

When in doubt I turn to magnets. Magnets are so much fun. I have made locker magnets with kids at the schools. I just love them as a craft.

Felt is such an all purpose craft supply: You can make pillows stuffed animals puppets. The world is full when you use felt.
Hot Glue:
The number one glue for me. I try to avoid superglue because it is too sticky. I will say you have to watch the teens when using hot glue guns because sometimes they like to touch the end of the glue gun with their fingers and burn themselves.

Glitter Glue:
We might not be allowed to use glitter at my library, but we can use glitter glue and I do. I love glitter (Yes, I am one of those) so I love to use it to add a pop to any craft I can.
Jump Rings:
I am learning a lot about jewelry these last few years. Jump rings are great to make pendants work or to use with making charms, It is my backup supply
They are all purpose! I make animals out of them or magnets or just decorate them with washi tape. I always save them.
Washi Tape:
I love it for scrapbooks or magnets or just giving something a pop of color. There are so many types of tape! I bought some Pride and Prejudice tape for myself last year and let the kids use it for their fandom passports. So Fun!
Yarn or Ribbons:
If you need something tied together to give it a pop of color. Or an old timey feel. You can do so much with ribbons or yarn.

What’s in your craft supply closet that you can’t live without?
Filed under: Cindy Crushes Programming, Crafts, DIY, Programming, Programming Resources, Teen Programming, Teen Programming in a Box, Teen Programs in a Box

About Cindy Shutts
Cindy Shutts is the Teen Services Librarian at the White Oak Library District in IL and she talks programming every 1st and 3rd Wednesday. You can follow her on Twitter at @cindysku.
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