Cindy Crushes Programming: DIY Lip Scrubs
In today’s episode of Cindy Crushes Programming, YA Librarian Cindy Shutts walks us through making your own lip scrubs. This would be a great addition to an overall DIY Spa Day program and there are a lot of great Spa day nonfiction books out there to pair with this program.

This is a craft I have done twice before. It is always fun. I like to change out recipes for the lip scrub to keep it fresh! I used recipes I found on Pinterest. These are the articles I used this time: and .
- White Sugar
- Brown Sugar
- Honey
- Cinnamon Powder
- Measuring Spoons
- Olive Oil
- Peppermint
- Grapeseed Oil
- Popsicle Sticks
- Disposable Cups for Meal Prep
Mint Lip Scrub

Step One: Mix one tablespoon of olive oil and two tablespoons of white sugar together. I like to do this in the container instead of a mixing bowl. That way we do not waste any supplies moving it to a container. I use popsicle sticks to stir it. They are easy to obtain and to use.
Step Two: Add 8-10 drops of peppermint. I always add less to begin with because the peppermint has very strong scent.
Step Three: Add ½ teaspoon of grapeseed oil.
Step Four. Stir and apply to lips. You use your fingers to scrub so make sure your hands are washed before using.
Cinnamon Lip Scrub
Step One: Mix ½ tablespoon honey and ½ tablespoon olive oil. I honestly just give the honey a small squeeze and that usually works since it is so sticky.
Step two: add ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder.
Step Three: Mix all the ingredients together.
Step Four. Stir and apply to lips. You use your fingers to scrub so make sure your hands are washed before using.

Brown Sugar and Vanilla Lip Scrub
Step One: Add one small squeeze of honey to one tablespoon of brown sugar.
Step Two: Slowly add one more tablespoon of brown sugar. Be sure to mix after each spoonful is added.
Step Three: Add ¼ tablespoon of vanilla. Mix with other ingredients.
Step Four. Stir and apply to lips. You use your fingers to scrub so make sure your hands are washed before using.
Final Thoughts: I should have bought two packages of brown sugar and white sugar because it would have allowed the patrons to make the scrub faster. I modified the recipes because in the first one I had too much liquid. So I took out one tablespoon of olive oil. The best part of lip scrub is that if the recipe does not work, you can always add more sugar or cinnamon powder to make sure it does work.
Filed under: Teen Programming

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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