Cindy Crushes Programming: Star Wars Escape Room

Today YA Librarian Cindy Shutts is walking us through her Star Wars themed Escape Room.
To learn more about the basics of hosting an Escape Room, please check out Breakout Edu as they have basic kits that you can use as a foundation. You can also read a couple of previous posts on Escape Rooms here at TLT:
TPiB: Build an Escape Room by Michelle Biwer – Teen Librarian Toolbox
TPiB: Locked in the Library! Hosting an Escape Room by Heather Booth
Cindy Crushes Programming: Hosting a Stranger Things Escape Room
Basic program premise . . .
Your teens will be “locked” in the library and in order to escape, they must unravel a mystery, find the secret codes, and “unlock” the boxes to survive or meet your end goal. Most escape rooms give participants an hour to escape.
Plot: Your planet is about to be exploded by the Death Star. You have 45 minutes to find the key to the escape pod. Use the Force to uncover the clues that will lead you to safety.

- You could use the Breakout Edu Kit
- 4 digit lock
- 3 digit lock
- Word lock
- Key lock and key
- Two lock boxes
- Directional lock
- Note ”Rebels must surrender by 12:00 hour or the planet will be destroyed”
- Note with Riddle
- Porg
- Four
- 4 Wookies with numbers
- Star Wars planet map printed out from internet
- Various space and Star Wars props
- Skelton key labeled escape pod

Room and lock set up
Word lock: Siren.
I will have a riddle “what warns of danger but also can lead to the death of sailors?” Lock on big box. See supplemental materials below.
4 Digit lock: I will hide four Wookies that all have different numbers on them in the room. The number will be 0132. Lock on big box.
3 Digit lock: I will make a note that says “A space ship enters warp speed and is going 3 times the speed of light 299 792 458 meters per second 3(299792458). How many meters does it go in one second and what are the last three digits of the number”? 899,188,374 (374)
Key lock: Key will be placed place in the big box. Lock will be placed on the small lockbox. Skelton key labeled escape pods will be placed in small lockbox.
Red Herring: Will be various props and the note that says, “Rebels must surrender by 12:00 hours or the planet will be destroyed”
Directional lock: “S.O. S. This is Rebel Leader Gyn. I am on planet Mooja. We received a message from Arbra that a message from Hok has been received that Javin is in danger from the Deathstar. Evacuation needs help! Anyone who hears this message needs to help the people of Javin!” Note will correspond with map of Star Wars planets. The combination is Up Down Right Left. Lock on big box.

Final Thoughts: This was a fun adventure! The teens thought it was way harder than the last Escape Room and in fact only got the Escape Room done with less than 30 seconds to go.
Supplemental Notes and Materials

Filed under: Teen Programming

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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Star Wars escape room is the best-themed escape room that I’ve taken part in, and I will take my friends next time with me. It will be an excellent experience for us, and I can’t wait to have a fun time.
I love Star Wars! – I wonder what the quest room looks like based on my favorite movie? – We should go with friends and go through this quest)
It cannot be! – Quest room based on Star Wars ??? – That’s cool!!!