So You’re a Librarian (or Library), What Do You Do Now? Librarianing in the Time of Political Turmoil
Sometimes inspiration comes in the strangest moments. Yesterday on Twitter I was thinking about what it means to me now to be a librarian. So I started tweeting and ended up with a long string of tweets highlighting the things that I think we – and that we includes me – can do now in light of current events. These thoughts are inspired in part by my mentor who asked me the other day, “okay, so now what do we do?” This question was asked in part because, if we’re being honest, a lot of not normal things are happening at this moment and people are concerned about privacy, about civil liberties, about the quality of and access to information. I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about that. So here are some of my thoughts. You probably has some great ones as well, so please add them in the comments.
Another great idea …
I know you all have other great ideas, what are they? #Libraries4Democracy
Filed under: Professional Development, Things I Never Learned in Library School

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Thank you for this!
You are very welcome. Thank you for reading.
Above it is written:
I mention #5 because as a progressive Christian I can almost guarantee you your collection skews overly conservative.
As a sister progressive Christian, I still need to ask how contemporary (say, the last 25 years) children’s and teen fiction collections skew overly conservative? These books seem to skew quite liberal.
Penelope, I should have been more specific in mentioning that I was thinking of the 200s specifically in this particular tweet. That mistake on me, but I find that the Christian nonfiction sections of most libraries do in fact skew conservative. I am a teen services librarian with a minor in youth ministry from a conservative Christian college, so I am also tasked with doing the 200s and it was this area I was thinking of – I should have been more clear in my tweet.
What a fabulous list — even as librarian at a middle school, there are lots of these I can do!
Please define “Progressive Christian”.
And just what is it about conservatism – and I mean real conservatism, not the hawkish neo-conservatism promoted by Israel and led by RINOs like John McCain, Paul Ryan, etc. – that frightens you?