#SJYALit, Social Justice in YA Lit – The 2017 TLT Project
Since November 9th, 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center has been keeping track of the tremendous increase in hate crimes in the United States. This news, combined with increasing threats to education, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, attacks on healthcare and more, has left the librarians at TLT worrying about the teens that we have committed ourselves to serving, both now and in the future. So we have decided to respond in the only way we know how – through books and information.
Beginning in 2014, we began our campaign on sexual violence (#SVYALit). In 2015, we focused on faith and spirituality (#FSYALit). This year, we focused on mental health (#MHYALit). All those campaigns will continue.
In 2017, we will focus on social justice. #SJYALit. We want to talk about poverty, racism, sexism and all the other issues which have been more fully brought to the surface in this election. This year, we are working to more fully understand the issues and will share our journey with our readership. It is our hope that we can equip those who work with teens with background and information sources that will grow their understanding of and compassion for our teens. Together, we can teach teens to be knowledgeable, compassionate members of society who understand their value.
Social justice is defined as “… promoting a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity.” It exists when “all people share a common humanity and therefore have a right to equitable treatment, support for their human rights, and a fair allocation of community resources.” In conditions of social justice, people are “not be discriminated against, nor their welfare and well-being constrained or prejudiced on the basis of gender, sexuality, religion, political affiliations, age, race, belief, disability, location, social class, socioeconomic circumstances, or other characteristic of background or group membership” (Toowoomba Catholic Education, 2006). (Robinson, https://gjs.appstate.edu/social-justice-and-human-rights/what-social-justice)
My daughter is 14. She will be voting in the next presidential election. So will all of her friends. So will many of your children. So will the teens I work with every day here in my library.
“ . . . social justice is about assuring the protection of equal access to liberties, rights, and opportunities, as well as taking care of the least advantaged members of society.” (Rawls, https://gjs.appstate.edu/social-justice-and-human-rights/what-social-justice)
Please help us. Those of us at TLT are all white women. We know there are many issues that we cannot speak to. But not all of us are straight, not all of us are Christians, and many of us struggle with mental health issues. And all of us love many people who don’t love, think, or believe like us. We care and we need your help.
So here’s what we’re going to do and we are asking for your help. Next year, we will read books, recommend books, and talk about books that focus on social justice issues. We will compile lists. We will compile resources. We will raise awareness and do our best to listen and grow and ask others to listen and grow with us.
The topics we will be covering include:
- Civil Rights
- Disabilities
- Dystopian (A look at the role of government)
- Education
- Environmental Rights and Protection
- Feminist YA
- GLBTQ Issues and Representation
- Healthcare
- Homelessness
- Immigration
- Incarceration
- Labor (Jobs, Employment, Wages, etc.)
- Mental Health
- Own Voices/Representation
- Politics (Government, Voter’s Rights)
- Poverty & Income Inequality
- Religious Freedom (Faith and Spirituality)
- Reproductive Freedom and Education
- Sexual Violence
- Social Justice 101
- Teen Activism
Each member of TLT will be responsible for coordinating posts on various topics. It will look something like this:
Karen Jensen – Dystopian Lit, Environmental Rights & Protections, Homelessness, Labor, Politics
Heather Booth – Healthcare, Immigration, Own Voices/Representation
Amanda MacGregror – LGBTQIA+, Muslim Rep/Own Voices, Reproductive Freedom, Sexual Violence, Disability Representation
Robin Willis – Civil Rights, Education, Incareration, Poverty/Income Inequality
Ally Watkins – Feminist YA, Mental Health, Religious Freedom
Please Contact Us to Participate
You can contact any of us to participate through Twitter or Email:
Karen Jensen – @tlt16, kjensenmls at yahoo dot com
Heather Booth – @boothheather, teenreadersadvisor at gmail dot com
Amanda MacGregor – @CiteSomething, amanda dot macgregor at gmail dot com
Robin Willis – @robinreads, robinkwillis at gmail dot com
Ally Watkins – @aswatki1, allison dot watkins at eagles dot usm dot edu
In addition, we will be asking you to join us for a monthly book club read and online Twitter chat. We will kick off January with All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely. More information will be coming soon.
#SJYALit Post Index
Book Discussions and Book Lists
Take 5: Using YA Lit to Talk Government, Power, Politics, Corruption and More
#SJYALit Reading Lists: Disability in YA Lit, a guest post by Natalie Korsavidis
#SJYALit Booklist: Environmental Dystopia, aka Cli-Fi
#SJYALit: Government Dystopia Booklist
#SJYALit: A Bibliography of MG and YA Lit Featuring Homeless Youth
Civil Rights
Preserving the Right to Peaceful Protest in 2017 America, a guest post by Sabrina Fedel
#SJYALit Reading Lists: Disability in YA Lit, a guest post by Natalie Korsavidis
Dystopian and Authoritarian Governments
#SJYALit Booklist: Environmental Dystopia, aka Cli-Fi
#SJYALit: Government Dystopia Booklist
Engaging Teens
#SJYALit: Making a Social Justice Book Display that Engages Teens
Screening The 13th: Questions to ask yourself #SJYALit
For National Poetry Month: A Social Justice Poetry Project for Teens, a guest post by Laura Shovan
#SJYALit: Social Justice Reading in Schools, a guest post by Alex B.
#SJYALit: More Social Justice Reading in Schools, a guest post by Alex B.
Environmental Rights and Protection
#SJYALit Booklist: Environmental Dystopia, aka Cli-Fi
Feminism, Including Sexual Assault Awareness and Reproductive Rights
#SJYALit: Ten Young Adult Novels for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a guest post by Clara Kensie
#SJYALit: Rape Culture–Twenty-five years ago and today, a guest post by Clara Kensie
#SJYALit: Good Girls Don’t Wear That! a guest post by Kim Baccellia
#SJYALit: How to be Female, a conversation between Mindy McGinnis and Amber J. Keyser
“Nevertheless, She Persisted” A Take 5 List, plus 1
My Voice is Louder Now: HERE WE ARE editor Kelly Jensen talks with Brandy Colbert about Feminism
Feminism is for Everyone: HERE WE ARE editor Kelly Jensen interviews contributor Daniel Jose Older
Still Learning Every Day: HERE WE ARE editor Kelly Jensen interviews contributor Sarah McCarry
From Aberrant Girl to Nasty Woman, a conversation between Elana K. Arnold and Amber J. Keyser
How to be Female, a conversation between Mindy McGinnis and Amber J. Keyser
Breaking Taboos, Telling Secrets, a conversation between Isabel Quintero and Elana K. Arnold
GLBTQA+ Rights
National School Climate Survey results about LGBTQ students’ experiences in school
#SJYALit: If You Don’t Get It, You Won’t Get It Right, a guest post by Shaun David Hutchinson
#SJYALit: LGBTQ+ YA lit in the 90s/00s versus now, a guest post by Alex B.
Dr. Bully, a guest post by M.G. Hennessey
#SJYALit: How does real life and research fit with LGBT young adult lit? A guest post by Alex B
LGBTQ+ YA lit in the 90s/00s versus now, a guest post by Alex B.
If You Don’t Get It, You Won’t Get It Right, a guest post by Shaun David Hutchinson
Government and Politics
#MHYALit: How books and being a librarian help me cope with anxiety, a guest post by Erin
Own Voices/Representation
Life-enhancing things that matter to young Muslim women, a guest post by Khadija
If You Don’t Get It, You Won’t Get It Right, a guest post by Shaun David Hutchinson
Time For Confrontation: Moving Forward in the Diversity Conversation, a guest post by S. K. Ali
May 4, 1970: The Day the Vietnam War Came Home, a guest post by Sabrina Fedel
The Lunar Chronicles as a Reflection of Current U.S. Political Climate, a guest post by Emily Keyes
Talking About the Right to Die with Dignity, a guest post by author Kelley York
#SJYALit: Government Dystopia Booklist
Poverty and Income Inequality
Socio-Economic Diversity in YA Lit
Can We All Just Stop Saying the Internet Is Free Now Please?
Rich Teen, Poor Teen: Books that depict teens living in poverty
Working with youth who live in poverty
Sunday Reflections: This is what losing everything looks like
Sunday Reflections: Going to bed hungry
Sunday Reflections: A tale of two libraries
Sunday Reflections: Are schools disriminating against the poor?
Sunday Reflections: Poverty doesn’t always look the way you think it does
Sunday Reflections: All I Want for Christmas is the Chance to Go to College
Feeding Teens at the Library: Summer and Afterschool Meals
The Economy as Villain in The Year of Shadows by Claire LeGrand
Book Review: PANIC by Lauren Oliver
Book Review: HUNGRY by H. A. Swain
Not All Educations Are Created Equal
Teens and Poverty: PBS Newshour Discusses Being Homeless and Trying to Graduate High School
Sunday Reflections: Dasani, Poverty, and Education (by Robin)
Teens and Poverty: An updated book list
Teen Homelessness and NO PARKING AT THE END TIME by Bryan Bliss
Impoverished Youth: Over Half of Public School Students Now Live in Low Income Homes
Sunday Reflections: Becoming a Statistic
Boom, Crash, the Sound of the Economy
You Are Now Approved to Read, Poverty in MORE HAPPY THAN NOT by Adam Silvera
Sexual Violence
#SVYALit: Sexual Violence and Young Adult Literature Discussion/Project
Rape Culture–Twenty-five years ago and today, a guest post by Clara Kensie
Good Girls Don’t Wear That! a guest post by Kim Baccellia
Ten Young Adult Novels for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a guest post by Clara Kensie
Social Justice
#SJYALit Preserving the Right to Peaceful Protest in 2017 America, a guest post by Sabrina Fedel
Making a Social Justice Book Display that Engages Teens
Hello, I’m Your Social Justice Librarian, a guest post by Perlita Payne
Social Justice Reading in Schools, a guest post by Alex B.
More Social Justice Reading in Schools, a guest post by Alex B.
Author Victoria Scott Talks About Social Justice and YA Lit
Walk A Mile In Their Shoes, a guest post by Christina June
Teen Activism
#SJYALit: Teens Taking Action in YA Fiction, a guest post by Robin Talley
Get active, change the world: Social campaigns for teens
Additional Resources
#SVYALit (2014) – Sexual Violence in YA Lit
#FSYALit (2015) – Faith and Spiritiuality in YA Lit
#MHYALit (2016) – Mental Health in YA Lit
Beyond Walls: Libraries and Incarcerated Youth | School Library Journal
How To Foster Teen Activism | School Library Journal
Filed under: #SJYALit, Social Justice
About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
SLJ Blog Network
Coming Soon: GOODNIGHT MOON in Stamp Form
Exclusive spread for MIXED FEELINGS by Liana Finck
Diamond Files for Bankruptcy | News and Analysis
Heavy Medal Mock Newbery Finalist: A STRANGE THING HAPPENED IN CHERRY HALL by Jasmine Warga
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?
Our 2025 Preview Episode!
Dahlia Adler says
This sounds FANTASTIC – cannot wait to read these posts!!
Karen Jensen, TLT says
Thank you Dahlia! I am hoping you will post with us. 🙂
Ann says
I’ve been wondering what the new theme would be, and this is perfect! I’m so excited for this.
Karen Jensen, TLT says
Thank you Ann!
Rockin' Rita says
This is so wonderful! Thank you for all you do!
Karen Jensen, TLT says
Thank you so very much,
Julia Ember says
This sounds awesome!
Karen Jensen, TLT says
Thank you Julia!
Carol Cordall says
This sounds wonderful – we don’t have this kind of group at my school in the UK, but I will liaise with our sociology/PSCHE Department as it sounds like something we could usefully do together.
Karen Jensen, TLT says
I hope you find it interesting and useful Carol,
Lauren says
This is fabulous – it coincides perfectly with a new book club I’m starting with one of our Upper School English teachers where we will focus on “controversial” topics that don’t get talked about in the classroom; coincidentally, our first book will mostly likely be All American Boys. I’ll definitely check here for recs and reviews!
Karen Jensen, TLT says
Word is the All American Boys Twitter Chat will be January 17th. We will confirm ASAP.
Blaize says
This is a good idea. Thank you.
Karen Jensen, TLT says
Thank you 🙂
Lyn Miller-Lachmann says
Thank you for doing this. It is certainly needed. In addition to dystopian lit, I suggest that you also include historical and international literature because others have faced what we’re about to face and we can learn from them. There are a lot of stories of survival, standing up for what is right, and hope — true stories and fiction based on true stories.
Karen Jensen, TLT says
Lyn, I am so worried about what we are about to face. And if you want to make any book lists – let us know. We would be glad to have you participate.
Thank you,