Video Games Weekly: 16 Most Anticipated Games of 2016
Hello everyone! I’m back with Video Game Wednesday after a restful holiday break. I also had the opportunity to play a lot of games without the pressure to finish them before my deadlines, so I have many plans for 2016! My question for you is, would you prefer I do more video game reviews for purchasing, or would you be interested if I branch out and write about video game-related teen programming, or video game news? I’m always open to ideas, so please comment below or tweet to me @LannaLibrarian.
My last Video Game Wednesday post in December was a list of the best video games released in 2015, and what would make good purchases for library collections. I hope you found that list useful! I thought I would start off the new year by listing out my Top 16 Most Anticipated Video Games in 2016 for teens/adults, even though I myself have not played them because they have not been released yet. I can’t guarantee they will be “good” games, but I can say they will be popular enough that patrons will want to check them out for a demo. I should also mention that many of these games have a vague release date in 2016, which means there is always the possibility that the company may not release the game at all in 2016. This happens a lot in the gaming industry because of development standards, bugs, or other reasons. So, without further ado, here are 16 video games to anticipate in 2016!
#16. Fable Legends
Rated: Official Rating Pending (I’m guessing it will be rated “M” like its predecessors)
Players: 1-5
Platform: Xbox One and PC
Release Date: TBD
Free Beta Testing:
Youtube Trailer:
Fable Legends was already pushed back from its initial release date in 2015 because the creators took on a much larger project than they anticipated. This doesn’t surprise me because Fable Legends is taking on a completely new gaming system (PC) and a new gaming style. Fable Legends is set during the “Age of Heroes”, which takes place years before the first game’s storyline. Fable is one of my favorite game series of all time because of its unique gaming experience and storytelling. Players in Fable Legends will choose from a variety of heroes they want to play as (this is new to the series), and their choices will influence whether the hero is good or evil. The game will probably be more popular with adults rather than teens because adults will have a sense of nostalgia to the first Fable game back when it came out in 2005.
#15. Tom Clancy’s The Division
Rated: Official Rating Pending (I guarantee rated “M”)
Players: 1-4
Platform: Xbox One, PS4, and PC
Release Date: March 8, 2016
Free Beta Testing: Not yet released, but due to come out in early 2016 for Xbox One
YouTube Video:
I’m not the biggest fan of the Tom Clancy series, but that’s probably because I never heard of it until I went to college. Tom Clancy makes FPS shooter games, usually with a terrorism theme. In The Division, the game rewrites US military history, and makes predictions as to what would have happened if Operation Dark Winter really did cause a pandemic. What’s interesting about The Division is players are dropped into an open world from the start, where they can choose whatever quests they wish, rather than experience a linear storyline.
#14. Mighty No. 9
Rated: E10+
Players: 1-2
Platform: Wii U
Release Date: February 9, 2016
Free Beta Testing: Unavailable
YouTube Video:
Anyone remember Mega Man? Well, creator Keiji Inafune is back, and is the lead project coordinator of Mighty No. 9. There are many interesting aspects about this game that have nothing to do with the actual game itself. First, the game was funded solely on Kickstarter, raising more than $3 million! Second, game development was heavily impacted by users, which were the very people who backed the Kickstarter. Very rarely do fans have so much power/influence over a game, so it’s interesting to see how this 2D side-scrolling games turns out!
#13. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Rated: Rating Pending
Players: 1
Platform: Xbox One, PS4, Wii U
Release Date: August 23, 2016
Free Beta Testing: Unavailable
YouTube Video:
Get ready to be acquainted with Deus Ex. The cyberpunk video game has just opened up a new franchise, meaning soon there will be more video games, graphic novels, and novels based on the series. I’ll expect both adults and teen patrons will be requesting the graphic novels, so keep an eye out! Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is the sequel to Deus Ex which came out in 2011. I’m unsure if the game will be successful given its pre-order controversy, which ultimately set the initial release date back.
#12. Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst
Rated: Rating Pending
Players: 1
Platform: Xbox One, PS4, and PC
Release Date: May 24, 2016
Free Beta Testing: Unavailable
YouTube Video:
One word: parkour. Teens and adults will be interested in the sequel to 2008’s Mirror’s Edge, which features a female protagonist who kicks major butt while climbing up daring heights. You could even host a program where teens can learn a small amount of parkour (you’ll definitely need permission slips!), and promote the new game! It also coincides with this year’s CSLP Summer Reading theme so in my opinion, it’s a win-win-win!
#11. Street Fighter V
Rated: T
Players: 1-2
Platform: PS4 and PC
Release Date: February 16, 2016
Free Beta Testing:
YouTube Video:
The Street Fighter series is one of the most popular side scrolling fighting games. Street Fighter is very much like old school arcade games, where players smash buttons to fight each other with special moves while standing on a platform. Street Fighter V in particular will have three new characters, but the gameplay is very much the same. You can host a library program where teens play in a tournament against one another.
#10. Hitman
Rated: Rating Pending (I guarantee M)
Players: 1
Platform: Xbox One, PS4, and PC
Release Date: March 11, 2016
Free Beta Testing: Only available if pre-ordered
Youtube Vide:
When I first read there was a new Hitman coming out, I thought it was a reboot of the first game from 2007. The reason is Hitman is the name of the series, and also happens to be the of the same name of the video game that is coming out in 2016. This is the 6th installment of an internationally popular title. The game was first created by a Danish company, then recently changed to a new company, so gamers everywhere are wondering if there will be noticeable differences in quality.
#9. XCOM 2
Rated: T
Players: 1-2 (but heavy emphasis on 1 player)
Platform: PC and Mac
Release Date: February 5, 2016
Free Beta Testing: Unavailable
YouTube Video:
XCOM 1 is one of the recently popular turn-based strategy games in recent years, and won multiple Game of the Year awards. Now the much anticipated sequel is out, with players crossing their fingers that XCOM 2 will have a better multiplayer experience. Although you cannot buy this game for PS4 or Xbox One, teens and adults who love turn-based strategy games will certainly be talking about this game all year long.
#8. Dishonored 2
Rated: Rating Pending
Players: Unknown. Rumors are spreading that there might be multiplayer, but nothing has been confirmed
Platform: Xbox One, PS4, and PC
Release Date: TBD
Free Beta Testing: Unavailable
YouTube Vide:
The first Dishonored game came out in 2012, and it was popular due to its storytelling. The storyline picks up 15 years after the first game, and players now play as a different Dishonored city. Unfortunately, the creators have been keeping game details under wraps since the Dishonored 2 announcement was accidentally leaked at E3, so stay tuned for more information!
#7. Lego Worlds
Rated: Pending (I’m guessing rated E)
Players: 1
Platform: PC
Release Date: TBD
Free Beta Testing: Available if pre-ordered on Steam
YouTube Vide:
What happens when you combine Minecraft and Lego? You get Lego Worlds. Teens and adults who are tired of Minecraft are looking forward to Lego Worlds. Similar to Minecraft, Lego Worlds is a sandbox game where players build their own world. The downside? As far as I can tell, Lego Worlds is single player, but they are working on a multiplayer component as a “last installment” in the game. Once the multiplayer component is released, I can definitely see this being a popular demand for libraries!
#6. Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam
Rated: E
Players: 1
Platform: 3DS
Release Date: January 22, 2016
Free Beta Testing: Unavailable
YouTube Video:
This title is one of the forerunners for the 3DS this year. Fans are especially excited for this title because the game is a blend (if you will) of Paper Mario and Mario and Luigi. From what I’ve read from reviews, the game is weird, bold, but still has the same fun feeling that Nintendo is known for.
#5. Halo Wars 2
Rated: Rating Pending
Players: Unknown
Platform: Xbox One and PC
Release Date: TBD
Free Beta Testing: Unavailable (this website is fake!)
YouTube Video:
I know…it’s like Halo comes out with a new game every few months. And it’s true! Some gamers say the new Halo games are awful compared to Halo 1-4, but regardless gamers are still going to want to try out the newest Halo game. The first Halo Wars came out in 2009, so it’s been quite a while since a new one has been released. I haven’t played Halo Wars, but I’ve heard good things about it. Since there isn’t a whole lot of information out there about Halo Wars 2, here’s a podcast from a host who loves Halo Wars!
#4. Gears of War 4
Rated: Rating Pending (guarantee rated M)
Players: Unknown
Platform: Xbox One
Release Date: TBD
Free Beta Testing: Available if you pre-order the game
Youtube Video:
Gears of War 4 is highly anticipated for two reasons. One, the game trailer that was released during the E3 conference tried to give the audience an emotional reaction rather than show off their fancy mechanics, graphics, etc. and it did create a stir. The other reason why it is highly anticipated in 2016 is because Gears of War 3 did not do very well back in 2011. The game is a third person shooter, where your characters are these beefy but ridiculously nimble men trying to kill the Locust Horde, but the series’ strength is its storytelling. Many complained that Gears of War 3’s storytelling was weak, so Gears of War 4 is trying to save face. So the question is, will it? We’ll see…
#3. Overkill’s The Walking Dead
Rated: Rating Pending (certainly will be M)
Players: 4? Maybe 6? No one really knows…but it’s definitely multiplayer
Platform: Xbox One, PS4, and PC
Release Date: TBD
Free Beta Testing: Unavailable
YouTube Video
This game is different compared to the other video games based off of the Walking Dead. First, the game will be based off of the comics, not the TV show. Clearly, this tidbit makes for a good program crossover! Second, the company that is creating the game, Starbreeze Studios, demoed this game with a VIRTUAL REALITY COMPONENT. You heard me. I’m very excited to see how this works, because virtual reality is definitely going to be the way of the future in gaming, and nothing is creepier than playing a zombie game as if you are there in real life! The VR component is still being developed, so you can’t exactly buy it for retail, but it’s still cool.
#2. Final Fantasy XV
Rated: Rating Pending
Players: 1
Platform: Xbox One and PS4
Release Date: TBD
Free Beta Testing: Unavailable
YouTube Video:
This is #2 on my list because Final Fantasy XV is the first Final Fantasy game to be released in the main series in SEVEN years. Sure, there have been plenty of Final Fantasy spinoffs, but the main plot has yet to be resolved. Any fan of Final Fantasy has been anxiously awaiting the next installment, so you should probably stock up your collection ahead of time and pre-order it if possible! Also, Final Fantasy games are also pretty long, so get ready for patrons to attempt to renew it multiple times.
#1. Legend of Zelda
Rated: Rating Pending
Players: 1
Platform: Wii U
Release Date: TBD
Free Beta Testing: Unavailable
Yes, you read that right. There will be a new Legend of Zelda game coming out this year, but Nintendo is being really cagey about the game, its release date, and what it’s even about. The game was supposed to be released back in 2015 but got pushed back because Nintendo wanted to take it to a new direction (?!). In any case, the new Legend of Zelda is supposed to have an open, expansive world where the player is literally dropped in the middle of it and encouraged to explore on their own instead of completing quests in a linear fashion.
There is a reason I made this #1 and its because it truly is a video game that has such an appeal to a wide audience. There are parents/adults old enough to remember playing the game on the old Nintendo and GameBoy who share the same passion for the Zelda narrative as the young teens who were too young to remember when the game came out for Nintendo 64. And yet, all ages are able to see the charm behind Legend of Zelda and now they are releasing a new game. This is definitely a must have for your library circulation. Trust me, I am not the first who is going to be telling you to get the game. If it’s not me, it’s definitely going to be the patrons. Beat them to the punch! Add this game to your collection when it comes out, if indeed it does come out in 2016.
Filed under: Video Games, Video Games Weekly

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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