The amazing folks at Ferguson Library (I’m a big fan!) recently started the hashtag #becauseofapubliclibrary. It turned out I had a lot of thoughts about what happens because of a public library. Please do hop on Twitter and look at lots of the great responses about what has happened because of a public library. Below I share some of my tweets with you, I also shared a few from YALSA and one from the awesome librarian Stephanie Wilkes.
RT @DUKEpress: If you love your library, share your love on #becauseofapubliclibrary . http://t.co/ggnSWIoz9O
— Shaker Library (@ShakerLibrary) January 10, 2015
#Becauseofapubliclibrary people are learning how to cook, to repair, to craft, to make, to grow and to do new things.
— TeenLibrarianToolbox (@TLT16) January 10, 2015
#Becauseofapubliclibrary I’ve see juvenile inmates have literacy programming and break the cycle to get a GED instead of more jail time
— Stephanie Wilkes (@stephaniewilkes) January 10, 2015
#Becauseofapubliclibrary everyone has a chance to learn about other countries and cultures even if they can never afford to travel
— TeenLibrarianToolbox (@TLT16) January 10, 2015
#Becauseofapubliclibrary consumers are able to research and make better purchasing decisions for themselves
— TeenLibrarianToolbox (@TLT16) January 10, 2015
#Becauseofapubliclibrary people r able to hear music they would never hear, see movies they would never be able 2 see. More cultural access
— TeenLibrarianToolbox (@TLT16) January 10, 2015
#Becauseofapubliclibrary job seekers everywhere have access to the tools they need to find gainful employment
— TeenLibrarianToolbox (@TLT16) January 10, 2015
#becauseofapubliclibrary youth can go 2 #summerlearning programs that help them keep skills they gained in school http://t.co/a86IWBPtKM
— YALSA (@yalsa) January 9, 2015
#becauseofapubliclibrary 82% of communities have a place 4 teens 2 go #afterschool 4 homework help career prep & more http://t.co/T3uZhgZvU0
— YALSA (@yalsa) January 9, 2015
#Becauseofapubliclibrary 1,000s of teens have access to computers 2 do homework, type reports, apply for college and learn basic tech skill
— TeenLibrarianToolbox (@TLT16) January 10, 2015
Filed under: Advocacy
About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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