12 Blogs of 2014: Rich in Color
Did I mention that choosing just three blogs to share has been agonizing? There are just so many awesome blogs out there and I want to tell you about all of them! I hope you’re adding all of the blogs we’re featuring to whatever blog reader you use and following the blogs and their creators on Twitter. I’m always looking for more blogs to read, so make sure you share your favorites with us, too! You can find me on Twitter @CiteSomething.
Today’s featured blog
From the blog:
Rich in Color is dedicated to reading, reviewing, talking about, and otherwise promoting young adult fiction starring people of color or written by people of color. We believe that teens (and adults!) should be able to find themselves in the kinds of books they love to read. At Rich in Color, we want to showcase a wide variety of multicultural books so that kids will be able to see themselves as more than just the sassy best friend, the very special lesson, or the extra in the background.
The discrepancy between books that feature people of color or are written by people of color and the actual composition of the U.S. population is a concern for us. We think it’s important to support these books/authors, and one way we can do that is to talk about them.
Find the blog on Twitter @Rich_in_Color and check out their tumblr.
Who runs it
Audrey, an editor and copywriter (Twitter @audrey_gonzalez, My Writing Life); Crystal, an elementary school teacher and librarian (Twitter @librarygrl2, Reading Through Life ); Jessica, a bookworm to the core (These Mortals Be); K. Imani Tennyson, a teacher and writer (Twitter @K_Imani, Imani Scribbles); Jon, a writer and the site’s webmaster (Twitter @jayang, Website)
Why I like Rich in Color
Extensive information on YA books featuring characters of color and authors of color. A handy reference with their release calendar. Reviews, booklists, topical posts, roundups of new releases, links to diverse resources, and so much more.
Some posts to check out
Shorter Days Equal Shorter Stories
Five YA Books Featuring American Indians
Filed under: Blogs

About Amanda MacGregor
Amanda MacGregor works in an elementary library, loves dogs, and can be found on Twitter @CiteSomething.
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