Friday Finds – December 12, 2014
Sunday Reflections: The Sanctuary of Stories
Why Norman, OK Matters – a look at what happens when students come forward with rape allegations
Middle Grade Monday: Cruelty and Community, J.A. White’s Thickety: A Path Begins
12 Blogs of 2014: R. David Lankes
12 Blogs of 2014: A Chair, A Fireplace, & A Tea Cozy
Teens and Prison in the U.S. Series, teens with incarcerated parents
Career Conversations, programming for older teens
12 Blogs (or not) of 2014: Two Bossy Dames
Around the Web
Feel like crying? Librarians saved my life
7 Ways Schools Kill the Love of Reading
Malinda Lo on 2014 LGBT YA by the Numbers
Something a little more light-hearted – how to tell if you are in a Babysitters Club book.
Filed under: Friday Finds News Roundup

About Robin Willis
After working in middle school libraries for over 20 years, Robin Willis now works in a public library system in Maryland.
SLJ Blog Network
Name That LEGO Book Cover! (#60)
Press Release Fun: Come To The Weird And Wild 90-Second Newbery Film Festival – Now In Its 14th Year!
The Revenge of My Youth: Re Life with an Angelic Girl, vol. 1 | Review
Goodbye for now
When Book Bans are a Form of Discrimination, What is the Path to Justice?