#YAAtoZ: More letter D author recommendations from Twitter
Today we are continuing our alphabet soup of YA authors with more Twitter recommendations for the letter D.
@TLT16 Lauren DeStefano & James Dashner!
— Rebecca (@Lunanshee) November 8, 2014
@TLT16 @Yayeahyeah Sorry, I've missed the "D"s on the A-Z wanted to put in a plug for Siobhan Dowd (much mentioned in Inis mag's top 50 too)
— Siobhan Dowd Trust (@sdowdtrust) November 8, 2014
@TLT16 Christa Desir OF COURSE and ALWAYS 🙂
— Carrie (@carriekpstyping) November 8, 2014
@TLT16 #YAAtoZ D: Dashner, Delaney, Danziger, DuPrau, Doctorow, DeGoldi, Deaver, Dellaira, Desai Hidier, Duncan, De la Cruz, Doyle. So many!
— Elsa Prettol NCS (@NCSLibrarian) November 7, 2014
@TLT16 Babygirl Daniels (can't keep them on the shelves) and @DavidDunwoody (for all things dead, undead, maybe dead) #YAAtoZ
— Jamestown Library (@JMSTNLibrary) November 7, 2014
@TLT16 Christa Desir!
— Bryson McCrone (@brysonmccrone) November 7, 2014
@TLT16 well, huh. I don't have any. But the Elder boy child says Jeanne DuPrau…she might be MG though. #YAAtoZ
— Heather Self (@heatherself) November 7, 2014
@TLT16 Barry Deutsch, author/illustrator of HEREVILLE graphic novels. #YAAtoZ
— Dampscribbler (@dampscribbler) November 7, 2014
@TLT16 I realized I don't ready many "D" authors, but here are more. @DelilahSDawson @jamesdashner @breedespain and Sharon Draper. #YAAtoZ
— Bridgette Johnson (@cecilewrites) November 7, 2014
Letter D today for #YAAtoZ! Just like @TLT16 @sarahdessen would be my pick but I also adored A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly.
— Jennifer Jazwinski (@Bkwrm7) November 7, 2014
I FINALLY reviewed This Book Is Gay, and added a bit more about @_jamesdawson's awesomeness for #YAAtoZ! @HotKeyBooks http://t.co/u5ZDtCRBkw
— Jim (@Yayeahyeah) November 8, 2014
@KAMull29 @TLT16 Definitely my fav YA author w/last name D….@mattdelapena Not just mine, but teens too! #tlchat #txlchat #yalove #engchat
— Naomi Bates (@yabooksandmore) November 8, 2014
Join the conversation! Share a post about your favorite author OR tweet us your favorite author with the tag #YAAtoZ. While we’re sharing our favorite authors, we would love to hear about yours. We all might find some new authors we haven’t heard of before. And the more authors we share, the more comprehensive and diverse the list becomes. On Twitter, we’re @TLT16 and I’m @CiteSomething.
#YAAtoZ Schedule: Week 1 4: A ; 5: B ; 6: C ; 7: D Week 2 10: E ; 11: F ; 12: G, H, I ; 13: J, K ; 14: L Week 3 17: M ; 18: N, O ; 19: P, Q ; 20: R, S ; 21: T Week 4 24: U ; 25: V, W ; 26: X ; 27: Y ; 28: Z
Filed under: YA A to Z

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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