#YAAtoZ: More Letter C Author Love from Twitter
Yesterday for #YAAtoZ, we talked the letter C, which is Kristin Cashore for Amanda MacGregor. But then we shared lots of other great authors on Twitter as well.
Today’s blog post is another one inspired by #YAAtoZ! Love this hashtag @TLT16 🙂 Why I’m a fan of @KimeCurran – http://t.co/z81OvXztzm
— Jim (@Yayeahyeah) November 7, 2014
I forgot to mention Lucy Christopher for today’s instalment of #YAAtoZ! I not only loved Stolen, but every teen I pawned it on felt the same
— Jenn Calder (@jenncalder) November 6, 2014
#YAAtoZ C is for Meg Cabot, Kristin Cashore, Rae Carson, Ally Carter, Nikki Carter, Cecil Castellucci.
— cindysku (@cindysku) November 6, 2014
Rae Carson, Meg Cabot, ally condie, Cassandra Clare, Carolyn Cooney, Susan Cooper, Robert Cormier, Suzanne Collins, Chris Crutcher #YAAtoZ
— Shelley (Diaz) Vale (@sdiaz101) November 6, 2014
#YAAtoZ Kirstin Cronn-Mills & Stephen Chbosky! Both of their books have meant so much to me.
— Vee S. (@rausicabklvr) November 6, 2014
@CiteSomething @TLT16 Meg Cabot, Ally Carter, Rachel Caine, Tera Lynn Childs, Susane Colasanti, Catherine Clark, and Jen Calonita! #YAAtoZ
— Jennifer Rummel (@yabooknerd) November 6, 2014
Want to add that the best graphic novel I read in 2014 was the sublimely creepy Through the Woods by Emily Carroll (@emilyterrible) #YAAtoZ
— Jenn Calder (@jenncalder) November 6, 2014
Loving #YAAtoZ! Favourite authors starting with C? I’ll go Shelley Coriell,Cat Clarke,Don Calame,Cath Crowley,Kim Curran,Sara Crowe.
— Jim (@Yayeahyeah) November 6, 2014
@TLT16 More C authors! @debcaletti, suzanne collins, @megcabot, and @eoincolfer! My personal favorites! #YAAtoZ
— Bridgette Johnson (@cecilewrites) November 7, 2014
And additional #YAAtoZ love to Rosemary Clement-Moore, Suzanne Collins, Michelle Cooper, and Brent Crawford. @TLT16
— Jennifer Jazwinski (@Bkwrm7) November 6, 2014
My top pick for #YAAtoZ would be @raecarson but @OfficiallyAlly would be a close second. @TLT16
— Jennifer Jazwinski (@Bkwrm7) November 6, 2014
Join the conversation! Share a post about your favorite author OR tweet us your favorite author with the tag #YAAtoZ. While we’re sharing our favorite authors, we would love to hear about yours. We all might find some new authors we haven’t heard of before. And the more authors we share, the more comprehensive and diverse the list becomes. On Twitter, we’re @TLT16 and I’m @CiteSomething.
#YAAtoZ Schedule: Week 1 4: A ; 5: B ; 6: C ; 7: D Week 2 10: E ; 11: F ; 12: G, H, I ; 13: J, K ; 14: L Week 3 17: M ; 18: N, O ; 19: P, Q ; 20: R, S ; 21: T Week 4 24: U ; 25: V, W ; 26: X ; 27: Y ; 28: Z
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About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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