TPiB: Retro Rad Valentine’s- 1950’s
You’re running along, thinking you’ve got everything planned out, and then out of the blue, it’s, MISS, are we doing something for Valentine’s?!?!?
Um, well, actually…. *bangs head on desk*
Why not throw a retro rad program? My teens are always wanting to do something if they’re hanging around, and more often than not multitask- they love just hanging around, talking, doing crafts and listing to music or a movie in the background, or playing games, so why not give them the space to do that in a theme and run with it for Valentines?
It doesn’t have to be huge hearts and sparkles
nor does it have to be I HATE IT ALL
just a theme with a little more love thrown in.
With a little help from Teen Librarian Toolbox and a little legwork,
you can throw a retro rad party! First up, the 1950’s!
you can throw a retro rad party! First up, the 1950’s!
1950’s is the one most people go to first for a themed event:
Rolled up jeans, and a button down shirt, or dark blue jeans and rolled up white t-shirt makes your outfit and any of your teens as well. You can get any number of ideas off the web or in your collection.
For your playlist, run through the huge love songs of the time:
Earth Angel by The Penguins
Lonely Teardrops by Jackie Wilson
In The Still of the Night by the Five Satins
Mona Lisa by Nat King Cole
The Great Pretender by the Platters
Too Young by Nat King Cole
That’s Amore by Dean Martin
You’re So Fine by the Falcons
or load up on songs by
Buddy Holly
Fats Domino
Jerry Lee Lewis
Want to have a huge bash and have games instead of a talk and gab night?
Try these and your teens could be on cloud 9….
Try these and your teens could be on cloud 9….
Musical Chairs
Hide and Seek
Dance Contest (demonstrating dances like the Mashed Potato, etc.)
Trivia contest having teens guess the slang words and meaning
Want to show movies in the background?
Check these 1950’s releases (or set in the 1950’s) to make sure they’re covered under your public performance license, then show away.
Check these 1950’s releases (or set in the 1950’s) to make sure they’re covered under your public performance license, then show away.
Titles with (*) would be perfect for a sing-along night
Back to the Future
Bye Bye Birdie*
Cry Baby*
Attack of the 50 Foot Woman
Beach Blanket Bingo
Jailhouse Rock
Singing in the Rain*
Some Like it Hot
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers*
Sleeping Beauty*
Lady and the Tramp
Guys and Dolls*
Of course, if you want to stay in theme, then crafts have to stay in theme as well…
Create bracelets using antique inspired ads and bottle caps or other mod podge jewelry
Create necklaces using old Scrabble tiles
Since it’s Valentines, get ideas online of what era cards would look like and turn your teens loose with the craft closet and verses; they can make their own valentines or anti-valentines as they wish
Learn the basics of outline stitching and show teens the ropes
Or there are a ton of valentine crafts- a few of my favorites:
Next up, the 1960’s….
Filed under: 1950's, TPIB, Valentine's Day

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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