Friday Finds – January 10, 2014
This Week at TLT
It’s Sherlock Week!!!
- Christie makes the Case for Irene Adler
- Author Frankie Brown addresses the Curious Case of Fanfiction
- Get your Sherlock Program ideas here!
- Sherlock Titles for Teens and Tweens
- Sherlock and the Case of the Diversity Problem
- Marie Selke provides us with a Newbie’s View on Sherlock
- Guest poster Jayla takes a look at Moriarty
- Author Carrie Mesrobian On the BBC’s Sherlock: a Study in Character
- Guest poster Rachelia On Loving Two Different Sherlocks
- Robin examines the Curious Case of the Doctor’s Wardrobe
Book Reviews
Presenting Middle Grade Monday
Teens at Your Library 365: the 2014 Advocacy Project
Previously at TLT
YA Fiction for Fans of Sherlock
Why teens need Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
Around the Web
A great article from Rookie about condescending opinion pieces by grown men that trivialize teens.
A look from the inside of a virtual charter school – what we all need to know.
School Library Journal looks at the 18th annual “Quality Counts” report on US student achievement.
NPR highlights the 50th anniversary of LBJ’s War on Poverty.
Filed under: Friday Finds News Roundup
About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 30 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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