Friday Finds – January 3, 2014
This Week at TLT
Our Sunday Reflection is about the importance of consent.
- Karen’s 10 Favorite Posts of 2013
- Christie’s Favorite Posts of 2013
- Karen’s list of 10 most anticipated titles for 2014
- Christie’s List of 10 titles she’s anticipating in 2014
- Christie’s Top Reads from 2013
Library administrators come and go – don’t let teen services get lost in the shuffle.
Christie’s reflects on her 2013 resolutions, and makes some for 2014.
Book Reviews
- The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson
- Unremembered by Jessica Brody
- Maggot Moon by Sally Gardner
- Panic by Lauren Oliver
Previously at TLT
We reviewed Requiem by Lauren Oliver.
We discussed how to talk about consent with teens in the wake of the Steubenville case.
Here’s our guide to the basics of teen services.
Around the Web
The 2013 Cybils Finalists were announced!
YPulse shared their trends to watch in 2014.
Can we finally declare the ‘publishing panic’ over?
Hi Miss Julie! (One of our 12 blogs of Christmas) gives her well-reasoned response to Will Manley’s criticism of the ALA Code of Conduct. Christie also took to the TLT Tumblr to discuss the ALA Code of Conduct.
Shannon Hale discusses the YA Book Tropes that Ate the World
On the TLT Tumblr:
A Year End Look at TLT, what we did
Looking ahead at TLT in 2014
Be sure to check the Tumblr for lots of great pics and posts as well as the blog. Karen is obsessed and likes to Reblog fan art and quotes.
Coming Soon:
Filed under: Friday Finds News Roundup
About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 30 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
SLJ Blog Network
Halloween is Coming: 31 New Books to Celebrate Spookytime
Review of the Day: How It All Ends by Emma Hunsinger
Review | Chickenpox
Talking with the Class of ’99 about Censorship at their School