Friday Finds – October 4, 2013
This week at TLT
Welcome to Zombie Week at TLT!
Book reviews
- Sick by Tom Leveen (ARC giveaway!)
- Zombie Baseball Beatdown by Paolo Bacigalupi
- Monsters by Ilsa J. Bick
- Eat, Brains, Love by Jeff Hart
- Inhuman by Kat Falls (enter to win a copy!)
Cover reveal – Sunrise by Mike Mullins!
Also, enter to win a survival band!
Carrie Mesrobian joins us to share lessons on writing from AMC’s The Walking Dead.
Take 5: Zombie Movies for the Tween Set
Read about Karen’s exciting time at this year’s Austin Teen Book Festival (she met some awesome authors!)
Also, a summary of the 2013 ATBF in Tweets (isn’t Twitter the best?)
Robin explains how to adapt the ‘One Community, One Book’ initiative for the school setting.
Sometimes people write articles that we disagree with. This time, our conversation was too good to keep to ourselves.
Previously at TLT
We talk about Zombies a lot – here’s a previous Zombie post round-up.
Around the Web
Hey, did you know Karen is going to be a Cybils judge in the 2013 Young Adult Speculative Fiction category?
Get ready to be inspired by Seventeen magazine’s finalists in this year’s ‘Pretty Amazing’ contest.
WIRED posted a detailed article about the damaging impact of EBook pricing.
Scholastic News posted a helpful article explaining the government shutdown.
Richelle Mead’s Vampire Academy Q&A is up at
Share these stories of celebrities who overcame bullying with your teens.
NPR talks about the real terror in YA Novels – the economy.
Filed under: Friday Finds News Roundup, Zombie Week

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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