Reel Thoughts: The Mortal Instruments- City of Bones
I was completely excited for this movie- I really like the books (I am in love with Magnus and Alec, and Simon and Isabella). I admit, I went to opening night. Wednesday night after work, IMAX. And the theater was DEAD. According to the ticket taker it was 8% full. That Guy was with me, and had him repeat it because we weren’t sure we heard right- surely he meant 80% from all the buzz (spots on MTV, hype everywhere, clothing lines through Hot Topic, music videos) but no, it was 8%. We scored seats in the middle of the row in the middle of the theater, got our movie theater dinner, and settled in to watch. And I picked up some interesting differences between the movie and the book, things which threw me for a loop and out of the fantasy. Did you catch them? Follow the break below, but if you haven’t seen the movie, or haven’t read The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, be warned, there are spoilers….
Filed under: City of Bones, Reel Thoughts, The Mortal Instruments

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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(This comment contains spoilers)
One thing in the movie that really struck me as inconsistent was when Hodge told Valentine to convince Jace and Clary they were siblings. It took three books to clear that conflict, so bringing it into the first film was a mistake.
Great post! Thanks!
I only read book 1, and to be honest it was a while ago and I remembered very little of it. So I appreciated them saying in the movie that it was a lie because it would have squicked me out. Also, I am impatient. In fact, after walking out of the theater I called Christie to ask her a bunch of questions about things that happen in the later books. Very impatient.
I was upset that they made Valentine into this crazed, on-edge kind of bad guy when he was really more of like the GQ, super powerful and in charge kind of bad guy. And the whole screw up with the portal I didn't get the point of either.
Yes she did. And poor That Guy, who has only read book 1, was all WHAT?!?!?!?!? They AREN'T SIBS? Does she have a brother then?!?!?!?! *sigh*
I liked him as kinda nuts, but that was me; what I didn't like was the portal screw up and then Clary *keeping* the cup. SO doesn't work with the rest of the books. IMDB and the actors all say the second movie is set for 2014, so we'll have to see what happens.