GraphicCon at ALA. Go there!
Christie, Heather and I will all be at ALA in Chicago this year, and we are busy trying to figure out where we need to be, who we need to see, etc. Got any suggestions, leave us a note in the comments. But Christie used her super powers and we (Christie and I) are now apparently presenting on the Graphic Novel Stage as part of the Free Comic Book Day panel.
Graphic Novels are such a popular part of the library, so come visit the graphic novel stage – which is completely awesome, I saw it last year – and learn more about graphic novels in the library, Free Comic Book Day, and more. They call the GN stage Graphic Con, it’s like a little Comic Con right there inside the annual conference. You’ll also probably run into Robin Brenner from No Flying, No Tights and she is amazing, her page is the best resource for GNs out there, and she is really nice.
Here are some of our previous posts on Graphic Novels and Free Comic Book Day:
TPiB: Free Comic Book Day
Happy Free Comic Book Day from Jeramy Kraatz, who shares how comics helped him become a better reader and an author
Christie’s fave noncomic Free Comic Book Day reads
Geek Out Your Library!
There are also a variety of book reviews and book lists, so be sure to follow the tags or look under the Book Reviews heading.
If you can’t go to ALA let me just say, I understand. My children will probably not eat for a month and this is, sadly, our summer vacation. But have no fear, Christie, Heather and I will Tweet often and write highlight posts. If you do go to ALA and want to write your own wrap up post here, let me know.
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About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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